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  1. #21
    Community Member kyostal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    That part is already in the notes. There are no further changes is what he was saying.

    From the release notes: The Touch of Death damage effect is now classified as Negative Energy and possesses a Fortitude Save for half damage.
    would you happen to know the save dc? or toss a link to the notes for me to read..

  2. #22
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyostal View Post
    would you happen to know the save dc? or toss a link to the notes for me to read..
    The DC (Per Eladrin and not in the notes) the DC is 10+monk level+wisdom modifier.

    That is the notes

    That is the Lamannia Dev Tracker
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  3. #23
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    There have been no changes to ToD that I have been made aware of.
    That is very disappointing.

  4. #24
    Community Member DarkThoughts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    There have been no changes to ToD that I have been made aware of.
    Okay thanks. Eladrin had mentioned a possible reversal of the change in a recent post and I didn't know if that had been implemented yet or even if it was still a possibility.
    We should take a torch to this place and burn all the Trolls.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkThoughts View Post
    Okay thanks. Eladrin had mentioned a possible reversal of the change
    No. The possibility he mentioned was nerfing TOD in a different way, by allowing exactly one unit of damage per activation of the power.

  6. #26
    Community Member quityourjobs's Avatar
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    Even this is hijacked into a TOD thread. Stop the madness.

  7. #27
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quityourjobs View Post
    Even this is hijacked into a TOD thread. Stop the madness.
    The only Touch of Death thing I want to see is the Animation and Sound turned into this.

    Touch of Death
    Last edited by TiranBlade; 09-29-2010 at 10:15 PM.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  8. #28
    Community Member Kazasu's Avatar
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    Default Scrolls

    Anychance you could tag onto a vender loot only spells? This'd help with wizards that are already maxed whom can't actually change spells they took at a level. *shrug*

    I mean this for any update where you add in new spells, for future previews.
    Last edited by Kazasu; 09-29-2010 at 10:58 PM.

  9. #29
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomalon View Post
    Why is Lama all of the sudden trying to D/L-install DX9. I have DX10 alrdy loaded so.....
    Thoon already gave a basic explanation for this, but I'll explain a little bit further. Contrary to the numbering system Microsoft uses for DirectX, there are minor version releases. Typically these take the form of a couple extra DLLs downloaded by the web-based installer. Most games just simply come with a web-based installer and run it after installing or updating to make sure you have the latest version(s).

    Also remember, DDO supports three different major versions now. Versions 9, 10, and 11. So it has to keep all three updated.
    Last edited by Ryiah; 09-29-2010 at 11:20 PM.

  10. #30
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    Several things, some may have been mentioned already, but I'm going to bed instead of searching for previous reports:

    1) I really enjoy having all of the premium stuff I've purchased live available on Lamannia now. It makes going there worthwhile (I've been farming Sir Points-a-lot just in case). Even though I had content, shared bank, and races available as if I was on live, I did notice that I could only post one item in the auction.

    2) Every time I go from live <--> lamannia, I have to agree to the terms and conditions again. Please use a different registry entry or something for Lamannia. I also end up having to download Loading Screens every time, too. This is a nuisance.

    3) I died in the sands, and the Recall button didn't switch to Release. I tried it again on a different character in Mirra's, and same thing happened. I played with it a bit, and noticed that it didn't switch from Recall to Release when I had the frame hidden on the box with quest objectives. I went and died again in Mirra's with the frame visible at time of incap/death, and release was available right away. I switched the frame to be invisible, and the text inside the frame switched from Release to Recall. This was repeatable inside the quest as I sat there cycling through visibility by clicking on the little eyeball to toggle it off and on, off and on.

    4) Paladin Dilettante - I figured that being able to use any item as if I were a Paladin would include weapons. I guess a weapon is not an item, although I cannot think of any items that a Paladin could use (apart from wands and scrolls which are explicitly mentioned) that any other character cannot already use. I can see that being a bit overpowered if Paladin offered both +2 to saves plus martial proficiency, but it would be nice if item != weapon were made a bit more clear.

    5) Having Fred respec for free would be nice to have on Lamannia, although I transferred a character over with a stockpile of dragonshards just in case. I noticed that I cannot respec my dilettante feat with Fred. Is that WAI?

    6) I was once able to mess up the list of players names (who tab, social panel) when I grabbed the scroll bar and dragged it down really fast. A block of player names were therafter offset to the right, so that there was a black space before their name, and the guild name was cropped on the right. This glitch persisted through closing and reopening the social panel. I did grab a screen shot, but couldn't reproduce it when I tried again later on another character.

  11. #31
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    Several things, some may have been mentioned already, but I'm going to bed instead of searching for previous reports:

    1) I really enjoy having all of the premium stuff I've purchased live available on Lamannia now. It makes going there worthwhile (I've been farming Sir Points-a-lot just in case). Even though I had content, shared bank, and races available as if I was on live, I did notice that I could only post one item in the auction.

    Live and Lama Accounts are seperate and will remain seperate.

    2) Every time I go from live <--> lamannia, I have to agree to the terms and conditions again. Please use a different registry entry or something for Lamannia. I also end up having to download Loading Screens every time, too. This is a nuisance.

    It's because it uses the same logging protocals and screens out of your DDO files, it saves on hard drive space. It's minor really.

    3) I died in the sands, and the Recall button didn't switch to Release. I tried it again on a different character in Mirra's, and same thing happened. I played with it a bit, and noticed that it didn't switch from Recall to Release when I had the frame hidden on the box with quest objectives. I went and died again in Mirra's with the frame visible at time of incap/death, and release was available right away. I switched the frame to be invisible, and the text inside the frame switched from Release to Recall. This was repeatable inside the quest as I sat there cycling through visibility by clicking on the little eyeball to toggle it off and on, off and on.

    Try toggling your window to hide and back, that should fix it.

    4) Paladin Dilettante - I figured that being able to use any item as if I were a Paladin would include weapons. I guess a weapon is not an item, although I cannot think of any items that a Paladin could use (apart from wands and scrolls which are explicitly mentioned) that any other character cannot already use. I can see that being a bit overpowered if Paladin offered both +2 to saves plus martial proficiency, but it would be nice if item != weapon were made a bit more clear.

    It means items that require paladin levels (any item that would require a UMD check to wield it), not weapon feats, it's actually rather clear if you understand the difference. No offense.

    5) Having Fred respec for free would be nice to have on Lamannia, although I transferred a character over with a stockpile of dragonshards just in case. I noticed that I cannot respec my dilettante feat with Fred. Is that WAI?

    Yes it is, it's a racial trait rather than a typical feat, it's why it's colored in purple when you select it.

    6) I was once able to mess up the list of players names (who tab, social panel) when I grabbed the scroll bar and dragged it down really fast. A block of player names were therafter offset to the right, so that there was a black space before their name, and the guild name was cropped on the right. This glitch persisted through closing and reopening the social panel. I did grab a screen shot, but couldn't reproduce it when I tried again later on another character.

    May have been just a random bug, but try submitting the picture and a bug report of when it happened, they may be able to find out what was going on. Don't forget to list it as a once only bug.
    Responses in red.

    Thanks for listening,
    Last edited by TiranBlade; 09-30-2010 at 01:58 AM.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  12. #32
    Time Bandit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    4) Paladin Dilettante - I figured that being able to use any item as if I were a Paladin would include weapons. I guess a weapon is not an item, although I cannot think of any items that a Paladin could use (apart from wands and scrolls which are explicitly mentioned) that any other character cannot already use. I can see that being a bit overpowered if Paladin offered both +2 to saves plus martial proficiency, but it would be nice if item != weapon were made a bit more clear.
    There is one paladin-only item in the game, and given the still ongoing work on the Holy Avenger it's quite possible there may eventually be some number of Paladin-only Holy weapons available.

    This is actually quite an interesting point though, as the same feature exists in other dilettante feats -- though I've never seen any rogue-only items for example.

    Putting the tinfoil hat on, it may be an indication that there may be more of such class-specific items in the planning stages...

    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    5) Having Fred respec for free would be nice to have on Lamannia, although I transferred a character over with a stockpile of dragonshards just in case. I noticed that I cannot respec my dilettante feat with Fred. Is that WAI?
    hmmm, interesting question. Don't know. TiranBlade could be right and it could be WAI, but it could just as well be a bug -- I personally would think it's a bug, because someone with Fighter dilettante may decide at a later date to MC into Fighter instead, so would wish to swap out the now-useless dilettante feat...

  13. #33
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    Responses in default color.
    Quote Originally Posted by TiranBlade View Post
    Responses in red.

    Live and Lama Accounts are seperate and will remain seperate.
    They went to the trouble of making premium features carry over. They appear to have missed one.

    It's because it uses the same logging protocals and screens out of your DDO files, it saves on hard drive space. It's minor really.
    What is the point of Lamannia - to collect dust? If they want a decent number of people to use it, removing minor inconveniences is necessary.

    Try toggling your window to hide and back, that should fix it.
    Re-read my comment. I did that. However, it is a UI bug, and workarounds should not be required.

    It means items that require paladin levels (any item that would require a UMD check to wield it), not weapon feats, it's actually rather clear if you understand the difference. No offense.
    Ah, yes. In a world where 1d6 is considered too complex for new players, it totally makes sense that every new player should understand that item != weapon.

    Yes it is, it's a racial trait rather than a typical feat, it's why it's colored in purple when you select it.
    It shows up in the feat selection dialogue at character creation. Class feats have a different colour as well, but I seem to recall swapping them with Fred.

    May have been just a random bug, but try submitting the picture and a bug report of when it happened, they may be able to find out what was going on. Don't forget to list it as a once only bug.
    One useful response. Out of six.

    Thanks for listening,

  14. #34
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    They went to the trouble of making premium features carry over. They appear to have missed one.

    I lost my premium status after buying something in the DDO store, but kept everythng else, I think they're having a few account issues. Also if you read the information on lamannia character copy, they state that premium services are not guaranteed with transfers.

    What is the point of Lamannia - to collect dust? If they want a decent number of people to use it, removing minor inconveniences is necessary.

    I agree with you on this, I'm not sure why it does what it does, I was just trying to give a logical reason.

    Re-read my comment. I did that. However, it is a UI bug, and workarounds should not be required.

    Ah, then yes, it is a bug and like I mentioned before you'll want to go ahead and report it, and work arounds are things you have to do in case of bugs being persistant, which I am sure your aware of.

    Ah, yes. In a world where 1d6 is considered too complex for new players, it totally makes sense that every new player should understand that item != weapon.

    Well if you pay attention in order to get access to use a weapon proficiency, it has nothing to do with class as much as the appropriate feats for the weapon. It's why Fighter Dilettante has Both Martial Weapon Prof listed and counts as a 1 level of Fighter for Fighter items. I know it seems confusing, but really isn't that much.

    It shows up in the feat selection dialogue at character creation. Class feats have a different colour as well, but I seem to recall swapping them with Fred.

    I think the reasoning behind not being able to switch is the resistriction due to ability scores, scroll and wand usage, and the fact that there are a couple of dilettantes with one attribute, also how much coding has gone into allowing a character to count as a class level for purposes of scrolls and wands might be a factor in why they changed the type of feat it is. (I should have been more thorough in explination, sorry.) Though, I'm not saying it's not a bug, it may actually be, but I'm am just making an educated guess, and thinking about it in a logical manner.

    EDIT: Eladrin has confirmed that the Dilettantes SHOULD be switchable, if they are not showing up as switchable with fred, I would send in a bug report.

    One useful response. Out of six.

    I'm glad this one was helpful.
    Re-Re-Response in Red.

    Additional Comment:

    EDIT: Eladrin has confirmed that the Dilettantes SHOULD be switchable, if they are not showing up as switchable with fred, I would send in a bug report.
    Last edited by TiranBlade; 09-30-2010 at 01:58 PM.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

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