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Several things, some may have been mentioned already, but I'm going to bed instead of searching for previous reports:
1) I really enjoy having all of the premium stuff I've purchased live available on Lamannia now. It makes going there worthwhile (I've been farming Sir Points-a-lot just in case). Even though I had content, shared bank, and races available as if I was on live, I did notice that I could only post one item in the auction.
Live and Lama Accounts are seperate and will remain seperate.
2) Every time I go from live <--> lamannia, I have to agree to the terms and conditions again. Please use a different registry entry or something for Lamannia. I also end up having to download Loading Screens every time, too. This is a nuisance.
It's because it uses the same logging protocals and screens out of your DDO files, it saves on hard drive space. It's minor really.
3) I died in the sands, and the Recall button didn't switch to Release. I tried it again on a different character in Mirra's, and same thing happened. I played with it a bit, and noticed that it didn't switch from Recall to Release when I had the frame hidden on the box with quest objectives. I went and died again in Mirra's with the frame visible at time of incap/death, and release was available right away. I switched the frame to be invisible, and the text inside the frame switched from Release to Recall. This was repeatable inside the quest as I sat there cycling through visibility by clicking on the little eyeball to toggle it off and on, off and on.
Try toggling your window to hide and back, that should fix it.
4) Paladin Dilettante - I figured that being able to use any item as if I were a Paladin would include weapons. I guess a weapon is not an item, although I cannot think of any items that a Paladin could use (apart from wands and scrolls which are explicitly mentioned) that any other character cannot already use. I can see that being a bit overpowered if Paladin offered both +2 to saves plus martial proficiency, but it would be nice if item != weapon were made a bit more clear.
It means items that require paladin levels (any item that would require a UMD check to wield it), not weapon feats, it's actually rather clear if you understand the difference. No offense.
5) Having Fred respec for free would be nice to have on Lamannia, although I transferred a character over with a stockpile of dragonshards just in case. I noticed that I cannot respec my dilettante feat with Fred. Is that WAI?
Yes it is, it's a racial trait rather than a typical feat, it's why it's colored in purple when you select it.
6) I was once able to mess up the list of players names (who tab, social panel) when I grabbed the scroll bar and dragged it down really fast. A block of player names were therafter offset to the right, so that there was a black space before their name, and the guild name was cropped on the right. This glitch persisted through closing and reopening the social panel. I did grab a screen shot, but couldn't reproduce it when I tried again later on another character.
May have been just a random bug, but try submitting the picture and a bug report of when it happened, they may be able to find out what was going on. Don't forget to list it as a once only bug.