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I personally believe that the Arcane Archer PrE doesn't need 'fixing' or 'improving'. (Exception being the Imbue Explosive Arrows, I can see the logic behind having them flaming burst, but, its honestly fairly misleading.) The real issues many have with Arcane Archers are the lack of DPS, HP, and skill a majority of players seem to have. Unfortunately, besides teaching CON is not a dump stat, and having all the kills because no one else can catch your kited mobs, the last two cannot be fixed.
The DPS issue, however, can be. Its well known that Arcane Archers provide some of the best burst DPS, however, for the remainder of their time while their Manyshot is on cool down, if they choose to stick with a bow, they are subpar (Most, there are always exceptions that prove the rule.) This lack of non-burst is mostly because of the slower ranged alacrity. Even a fully geared Arcane Archer, with the Ranger Capstone, Haste and ToD Set will still shoot at roughly 1/3 the speed as a THF Build swings their axe. Everyone's first suggestion is always to change Arcane Archers, but that's such an isolated fix it'll really accomplish nothing. What happens when Deepwood Sniper is finally introduced and fixed? (Deepwood Sniper is one PrE that actually DOES need fixing, though Turbine said it was coming soon.) If Arcane Archers have been buffed up to compensate for the lack of DPS ranged characters provide, then you can basically take this thread and rename it to 'New vision of Deepwood Sniper (Again)'.
Now, don't for a second think I'm saying Ranged combat should be on par or better than Melee combat, that'll present a new problem of having complete Ranged Groups (Which will be awesome right up until you find a door that needs to be broken down, at which point everyone will recall, drop group and find another quest. xD) and then Melee's will have a reason to complain. However, that doesn't change the fact it needs a big bump. For anyone who says it should be on par, I have two simple solutions. Roll up a Melee, or use your player Skill/Knowledge, as well as your Build and Gear to make up the difference.
In short, changing the Arcane Archer PrE isn't a solution to fix ranged combat, fixing ranged alacrity in general is.