My favorite part of this idea is adding a few clicky spells for AAs. (...)
Glad to hear that
My suggestion for spells on an AA is that, like Archmage, there would be a variety of different selections the player could make. This would allow them to select if they want Offense, Defense or Buffs.
Great idea The level of the spell should be roughly equal to the level of AA the player has reached.
Hmm... A little overpowered to me The number of times you can use the clicky abilities should equal to 1 plus the number of tiers of AA you have beyond that one. At AA 1 you would have 1 use of the level 1, at AA 5 you would have 6 uses of the level 1 and 1 use of the level 5.
Nice progression - I like it But in my opinion your spell selection is too much. You gave AA some of the most powerful spells in the game like Haste, Stoneskin, Fireshield ect. Also you give some useless like Shield, Resist Energy (lvl1 ranger spell). If AA need some spells, that should be some less game balancing spells - that's why my choice of spells.
I also believe that the second stacking AA ability at AA5 with a reduced average damage to slaying arrows through 20d12+300 instead of direct 500 helps the PRE. It gives those earlier abilities a reason for existing other than being what you use until you get slaying arrows.
That was exactly my point of view, when I design this PrE proposal However, on those lines these abilities should all be useful as your secondary at level 20. I think Ghost Touch
Uh... I'm completely forgot about this ability... /Force is good because it always has a use against ethereal creature. Other than that the other abilities the AA currently has are a little lackluster.