We now have 3 Ranger Prestige Enhancements, Tempest (melee), Arcane Archer (ranged) and Deepwood Sniper (ranged).

My sugestion is to keep Tempest, merge Arcane Archer and Deepwood Sniper into single PrE called Archer and add new PrE, Beast Master.

Ranger is by definition a versatile warrior. Good in melee and good with a bow. In PnP Rangers also get an animal companion.

In DDO melee is good, ranged is not. Thats why I suggest you merge 2 PrEs into a single one. Ranged combat could use any boost it can get. Beast Master is to give Rangers what missing from PnP and/or for flavor.

So we'd have:
- Tempest: for those that want better then default melee
- Archer: for those that want better then default ranged
- Beast Master: for pet lovers

Beast Master PrE:
- add clickie that summons a pet
- pet level (CR) is bound to Rangers level. Just like in PnP, Ranger level - 4 (?)
- if possible you can summon different pet
- different pet would have 1 special ability. Eq: wolf has fear/shaken like attack, cat has trip like attack, etc

Something in that direction.