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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default Screen goes completely black, game goes on.

    Been playing for about a week now, but the problem arose the 27th (had it anything to do with maintenance?). Basically what happens (after about half an hour of play, has been happening quicker and slower though) is that the screen flickers for a second and then it turns black. I can still the in-game cursor, I can still use all of my hotkeys and run around healing/fightin/dying. No it's not a blinding effect since it also happens out of combat and in the middle of town.

    I can alt-tab out to my desktop just fine, here everything shows up normally and stuff. I can alt-tab back in but the screen remains black... which lead me to believe that it is not a monitor error.

    It never happens outside of DDO either. I've been playing both Bad Company 2 and League of Legends without a flaw, which I guess would mean that there's something uniquely that DDO does to screw with my computer?

    Things I've done are:

    Updated my drivers
    Updated my directx11

    Neither helped. I don't believe it's the graphics card either, but then again I have no idea why this happens. I'm on a Windows 7 64-bit and my graphics card is a Nvidia GT8800. I mean it's so weird, I could play the game for hours on end in the beginning without this happening and then 3-4 days later... BAM!

  2. #2
    Founder Fon_Win's Avatar
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    untill you get a better answer, you can try switching to windowed mode and back again. ctrl+enter twice. or maybe just try playing in windowed mode and see if problem goes away.

    good luck

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006


    Well, the tech support hasn't been too helpful and neither the forums altough I appreciate the one try :P I fear my graphics card is broken.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    I might have the same bug. It has happened since I started playing two months ago and it happens about once every two or three days. It always starts with the computer freezing for about 5 seconds and then the DDO window goes totally black and I get a pop up message that say "Your graphics drivers have been corrupted and have been reset" (roughly translated from my native language). I can still hear sound and heal with short cuts and so on but I have to restart DDO for it to go away. It also doesnt matter if I'm in windowed or in full screen mode.

    I have an ATI Radeon HD 3850 and ofc the newest drivers everywhere, including the motherboard. I use Vista 32-bit. This is the only game it happens with and I play 5 different MMORPGs and a lot of other FPS-games, both Steam and non-steam.
    Last edited by 1Vis; 09-30-2010 at 03:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I'm thinking heat. Crack the case and point a fan in there. If it takes longer, then heat is an issue.
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