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  1. #161
    Hero LordDunmore's Avatar
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    Default My Observations and Suggestions

    First, let me start by saing I had a great time! I look forward to doing this again!

    I came in the first time with a lvl-2 Bard. It was my understanding that the quest was geared for "all levels". It was quite apparent within the first few minutes that the low level characters were signifigantly handicapped in this event. As has been stated many times, the high level clerics/wizards came in and killed mobs with area spells (mass heal, cometfall, etc) just as us low-levels had finally beat down the zombie we were fighting. I don't think most of it was intentional by the characters, they were going after the high-level monsters in the area. After 45 minutes of play, I had only 2-3 kills.

    I came back in on a level-17 bard, and had more fun. More kills, more collectables.

    Things I would like to see changed.

    1. No ability to get Bard Songs or Clickies back except to exit the area back to the tavern. The coffee was a nice touch, but would like to see something that will help with songs. Not sure if it's "fair" to force just one class to leave the area to get a primary function back, while casters and melee can get an item inside for regeneration. Maybe sell an instrument, or 'guitar strings' or something like that in the store to get the songs back.
    2. Think about setting up instances by broad levels, to give the low levels a better chance of actually collecting items. Or giving us the option to enter higher level areas
    3. Some kind of ability to determine the CR rating of a monster you are about to fight. This didn't bother me that much, but if you have new players participating that have never fought a Frost Skeleton before, it can ruin their day
    4. For players that have little/no DDO store points avialable to them, the lack of being able to get coffee or keys in the event could be a big turn-off. Not sure if those items are tradeable, as I never tried, but perhaps allowing at least the coffe to be traded would probably be helpful.

    I had to leave just as the 2nd part was starting, so I can't comment on the rest. I really apprecaite the time/effort Turbine and the devs have put into this, and, as I said, I look forward to doing it again!

  2. #162
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    That was the best event i have ever been a part of in over 8 different mmos in the last 10 years ...

    the dracolitch battle is a little weird be it that if you dont have a large group of people doing it its likely not to be completeable .... some people just dont do events ...

    the spawn rate during crazy time was awesome but standard starting spawn rate was way way to lax .... it ment kill stealing was crutial ...

    I would change the drop chance to be added to everyone in the party .. this would increase the group mechanic making people feel the need to group in raid size groups which also increases the chances of getting more then 12 people in the event end vs the draco litch which appears to NEED a minimum of 24 players to complete.

    Interested in finding out how you guys plan to make the draco litch completeable by the group of 6 after midnight when less people are playing ... or two or three days after launch when its no longer the new cool thing ... and no one cares anymore.

    scaling and requirement of switch pulling and dps and multiple rooms .. could make the dragon scales impossible to obtain if you are not playing during peak times.

    another thing i would suggest is that the regular drop stuff like fingers and skulls and opals drop from the gargoyles in the raid area rather then irrelivant collectables which just fill your packs.

    Also i would add that the collectables and ingredients properly go into bags ... there is no reason why scales and vamp fangs shouldnt go into the ingredient bags and fingers and skulls and opals should go into collectables bags.

    a spawn rate somewhere between the massive oh my god crazy and god damd it i have done 5 laps and not one mob seen cause all the casters kill steals ... would be good ...

    perhaps have it scale based on the amount of people in the zone ... also i kinda worry about the lvl 6 guy going to deleras ... waiting outside the quest could get you killed during this event.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  3. #163
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordDunmore View Post
    First, let me start by saing I had a great time! I look forward to doing this again!

    I came in the first time with a lvl-2 Bard. It was my understanding that the quest was geared for "all levels". It was quite apparent within the first few minutes that the low level characters were signifigantly handicapped in this event. As has been stated many times, the high level clerics/wizards came in and killed mobs with area spells (mass heal, cometfall, etc) just as us low-levels had finally beat down the zombie we were fighting. I don't think most of it was intentional by the characters, they were going after the high-level monsters in the area. After 45 minutes of play, I had only 2-3 kills.

    I came back in on a level-17 bard, and had more fun. More kills, more collectables.

    Things I would like to see changed.

    1. No ability to get Bard Songs or Clickies back except to exit the area back to the tavern. The coffee was a nice touch, but would like to see something that will help with songs. Not sure if it's "fair" to force just one class to leave the area to get a primary function back, while casters and melee can get an item inside for regeneration. Maybe sell an instrument, or 'guitar strings' or something like that in the store to get the songs back.
    2. Think about setting up instances by broad levels, to give the low levels a better chance of actually collecting items. Or giving us the option to enter higher level areas
    3. Some kind of ability to determine the CR rating of a monster you are about to fight. This didn't bother me that much, but if you have new players participating that have never fought a Frost Skeleton before, it can ruin their day
    4. For players that have little/no DDO store points avialable to them, the lack of being able to get coffee or keys in the event could be a big turn-off. Not sure if those items are tradeable, as I never tried, but perhaps allowing at least the coffe to be traded would probably be helpful.

    I had to leave just as the 2nd part was starting, so I can't comment on the rest. I really apprecaite the time/effort Turbine and the devs have put into this, and, as I said, I look forward to doing it again!
    I agree with alot of your points ..

    the "TAGing" mechanic doesnt work at all ... making it group based would mean it doesnt matter what lvl you are ... so long as your in a group you get your chances for anything anyone in your group tagged"

    I too believe that treating the graveyard as if an INN allowing clikies and songs and other limited powers a chance to reset every minute or so ... this would save us from running out of the zone (potentially lowering the spawn rates) just to get songs redone.... also with the tagging mechanic i suggest with it being a % chance for everyone in the party regardless of who gest the kill or who tagged it frist ... this allows buff focused builds like low level bards ... to get the ingredients needed to upgrade there items even though they dont do damage directly.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  4. #164
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    OMG, can't wait until live!

    Level 20 Cleric? Check.
    Radiant Servant? Check.
    Boyfriend with level 20 fire-specced Wizard? Check.
    Triple Pos GS Q-staff and Kaelth's Touch? Check, Check, CHECK!

    My raid timers are going to lapse something fierce during this event.

    Oh, and I looked, but is there a list somewhere of the items available from turn-ins?
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  5. #165
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Default Official Feedback Thread for the Event.

    I've opened up an official feedback thread for the event in this thread. Please take a few minutes to head over there and take out quick survey.

  6. #166
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Claver View Post
    Thanks again for the event

    I've already posted some feedback earlier in the thread.

    One more comment.

    Is there a way some of the Normal collectables like Skull Fragment, Powdered Blood and Intact Fingerbone could also be tied to the event; say 10 motes of night for 30 skull fragments, 20 powdered Blood or 10 Intact Fingerbone turn ins.

    I enjoy gathering collectibles but am discouraged that they serve no practical purpose with the exception of a few crafting recipes. It would be cool if the Halloween event could at least make some modest use of those collectables that are already within the game that fit thematically.

  7. #167
    Community Member anto_capone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Thanks for coming everyone, we had an awesome time hanging out with you all!
    Thanks for letting me participate, it was awesome

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