Bringing my Pally for part and my main Firryl for all the goodness!!
Community Member
ok just wondering if this can be answered ahead of time... as per what i think Fernando said something about this being crafting involved also.
This isnt going to be a kill a mob, it has a chance to drop a crafting component or something like that. If it is, I see one major problem right off the bat. Any time an event of that nature comes around in any game people will just run around trying to grab stuff off the ground constantly.
I sincerely hope theres no loot drop and its up for grabs in either the first or second part. If there is, change it before you even implement the test.
Assuming this event goes well, will you be putting the word out enough ahead of time in general to do a Stress Test type thing? (sort of like what happened in LOTRO a couple of occasions?)
I'm sure the population on live servers exceeds the average Preview Population on Lammania, so isn't it better to "KABOOM" on Test than on Live?
very true very true, im just worried about this being different since just about every event of this nature ive seen over the last 12+ years of playing diff mmos on and off, most events of this type end up like that and end up as one giant greifing field.
Of course that doesnt mean Im not gonna be there to smoke me some undead and hopefully one big ass...hmm... summoning chamber... it could be extra planar or undead... how about an undead pitfiend![]()
count me in. i hope that everyone has an equal chance of pulling gear or whatever it is. it would really suck everyone who went to join killed it and only one or a few got the item. it would be unfair to the other who tried since this is going to be a rare thing
Will spells,that are normally not usable outside of quests(like blade barrier) be turned on for this event? I remember when the market was overrun, you guys turned it on for us![]()
@sirgog-- Delera's graveyard, Halloween type contest to me means undead...heal spec clerics will still get prizesor to misquote the old game show "Name That Tune", I can kill that zombie in 2 CCW's
"Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge
oh ya count me in several toons across the level spred already to go cant wait