I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Congrats on the Torc.... I hate you!
As for Prey on the Hunter, I solo that all the time and the best method I have found is to firewall/DBF the first required fight, and then at the dragon you have to be careful with fire damage spells, so I level drain and FtS as many giants as possible attacking the dragon, and then when the boss giant comes out I use scorching ray to gain agro and then alternate that with DBF if the dragon isn't too close.
It is a lot of fun to then try and kill the dragons (as her mate joins the fight if that is what you choose). There, only firewall is going to be feasible as you can't shrine, and would have used the majority of your mana on kill the named giant in the first place (or at least I do with my 3006 mana).
«Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)
I havnt tried Prey higher than normal, and on my wiz about 300 max sp ago i had about 300sp left after killing named giant, so i decided to not mess with dragons, just took my runeI used 1 fw to gain agro and later just spammed schorching on the boss - it was enough
I would do that better now i think
PS. Vorpel - thanks, it was on 33th run![]()
«Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)
This thread should be called "how to defy convention and just about manage to be useful to most groups in so doing"
A lot of conventions exist for a reason, they do need their challengers but for every Martin Luther King there are one thousand idiots barking at the moon. Tinyelvis has striven to be a caster who doesn't use haste and firewall. It appears he can just about manage it. No one else should bother.
I have to add chain lightening. I just started to use this spell a week or two ago and golly gosh it is quite powerful. At level 15 I am doing average 300 damage to multiple targets and critting about 10% of the time and getting 500 - 600 damage to each target in the chain, makes the melees job allot easier by knocking off a few hundred HP's from mobs and bosses.
Also learn't a valuable lesson, don't use it on golums unless you really hate your party.
I don't see chain lightning.
1. Chain Lightning is dominant when used in swarms and has high damage ratings. Also requires high reflex saves.
2. I agree with everyone about wall of fire too. VERY useful.
3. Niacs sucks
4. Who uses suggestion anyways?
5. Tactical Detonation has the longest knockdown rate of any spell out there.
1: It's a nice spell, though I wouldn't call it "dominant". (Waaaiiiil)
2: Yup
3: No it doesn't.
4: Seldom here, the mass version though, yum.
5: And it didn't exist 2010!
2 years old necro, not bad but i'm sure you could have done better![]()
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
I don't know about you, but I love ice storm more than wall of fire.
Sure, wall of fire is useful against those skeletons, which are common, but ice storm also deals bludgeon damage, and it slows down enemies. Great times.
I also disagree with a lot in that list.
Haste? Displacement? Reconstruct? and more
Wow, nice.
*shoots self*
This list seems dated.
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
It's like a fighter having a sword and a bow and you say why use the bow when to sword does more damage.
What makes a great caster is using all that he has in his aresenal. Firewalls great,Hold burn alive fantastic. Stand on rocks and cook your would be killers unreal. I know some like ista kills. But its fun when your like a cat with your rouge/sorc and your moving around and know nothing can touch you. With healing capability. Your unmatched in the game.
Rogue/Sorcerer is hardly unmatched...
Man, this thread is old. This way way before they added elemental savants, so yeah, this list is seriously dated. Sorcerers use spells pertaining to their element and their secondary element. The list changes depending on what savant you took.