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  1. #61
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    a monk makes a fine completionist but benefit more then other classes?

    36point build gives more to monk ... with a few exceptions
    +2 ac this is uniqe ... unless its a splash monk
    +1 for ToD dc OR Kukan-Do this is really only monk
    +1 to dc of stunning fist this is powerful
    +1damage/skills/hit/saves is same for all classes

    would argue you would be better of getting 3 past life fighter and 1 monk past life and 1 rogue Or pala life. higher DC on special attacks then a completionist while saving 1 feat from not taking the feat completionist.
    you could take rogue or paladins buyable past life and your definitely better dps then a pure completionist monk since he cant afford the feat
    Of course he can. I was just testing it on DDOcharplanner. He can get 3 past life feats AND completionist.

    Look at my feats as a Halfling Lv20 Light Monk, with shintao III + void IV, and having 44 dc both for kukan-do AND stunning fist (and 415hp):

    - Stunning Fist (bonus feat) (1)
    - Two Weapon Fighting (1)
    - Weapon Finesse (bonus feat) (2)
    - Monk path: Fists of Light (path feat) (3)
    - Completionist (3)
    - Combat Expertise (req for shintao - bonus feat) (6)
    - Past life: Fighter (6)
    - Improved TWF (9)
    - Past life: Monk (12)
    - Greater TWF (15)
    - Past life: Rogue (18)

    That's it.

    +4 to-hit (fighter feat)
    +5 to hit while sneaked (rogue feat)
    + 2d12 base damage (monk feat)
    + 10 sneak attack bonus (rogue feat)
    + everything (completionist)

    Pretty awesome. Im looking forward to this.
    Last edited by Odin's_Hugin; 10-01-2010 at 09:22 PM.

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