Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind
I'm thinking it's alot of madstone rage, titans grip,possible airship buffs and a pot or two..
Still very Nice!
WOW. 34 in 4 different stats! I want that so much!
On-topic, though, I agree with what was said few posts ago. Monk can be a completely gimped char or a completely uber one. All it needs is patience, perseverance and acess to awesome gear.
The completionist Feat, IMO, benefits a MONK more than any other class. Let's see what it gives monks:
1. 20hp *(+10 from barb past life)
2. +2 ac
3. +1 to all saves
4. +1 to dc of stunning fist *(+1 for fighter past life necessary for completionist)
5. +1 for ToD dc OR Kukan-Do
6. +1 to hit
7. +1 to damage
8. +1 skill points
9. Let's not forget the past life which gives 2d12 +1 top damage on lv20.
While not every class benefits on this (mostly min-max builds), monks really do. That's, at the same time, their worst downside and their best upside. Yes, monks need high stats on basically everything. Yes, that is Hard. But Yes, if you manage to get them, you'll be truly awesome.
Monks benefit most from 36 point builds + completionist than any of the other classes.
a monk makes a fine completionist but benefit more then other classes?
36point build gives more to monk ... with a few exceptions
+2 ac this is uniqe ... unless its a splash monk
+1 for ToD dc OR Kukan-Do this is really only monk
+1 to dc of stunning fist this is powerful
+1damage/skills/hit/saves is same for all classes
would argue you would be better of getting 3 past life fighter and 1 monk past life and 1 rogue Or pala life. higher DC on special attacks then a completionist while saving 1 feat from not taking the feat completionist.
you could take rogue or paladins buyable past life and your definitely better dps then a pure completionist monk since he cant afford the feat
Last edited by testing1234; 09-30-2010 at 11:19 PM.
reason for bruized lee:
Fast moving & moving combat, inbuild ff, leap off faith, 2 times stunn attacks.
I am making him 3 pre monk, 3 pre ftr.
36 point monk is funn.
How many dwarves does it take to screw in a lightbulb ?!?
Three. Two to get a ladder under it, one to try to climb up until he realizes the ladder is bugged.
Yep, wis/dex build, which is buffed up abnormal amount, which is far from 'normal' state (and still only 69ac? o.o). Sure you can eat cookies, use clickys (some of only ~1min), drink turn in pots, ddo store pots, use g ship buffs, ask people to buff ya up w/ stuff and so on *yawn*. Also, you forgot that you don't usually log out w/ full buffing on and your myddo shows your closer to real stats (prolly still more or less buffed up ones). Oops, I nearly forgot "Oh Snap".
This is what I used.
Rage spell
Double madstoned
Grip of the Titan - I don't use them often
Yugo pots in dex,wis,str,con
My normal stats are 20,32,22,13,32,10 hps @ 462
No store pots, ship buffs, or turn in pots where used in the making of this SS.
The only stats that are jacked way up are Str and Con from dbl madstone.
I have met of eob wraps with holy burst, lit burst ToD rings.
Oh, Snap
Like I said, sure you can beef up your stats temporarily w/ stuff for show off, but it ain't normal state.
Like I mentioned earlier, 500hp is mediocre and stats are around the normal capped wis/dex monk, tho it's varying a little bit w/ diff builds and gear.
Eh, why to jack any stat at all?
So your show off failed and now using back up plan, which includes attempt to show off w/ gear? o.o
But hey, take a good care of that voice of master trinket
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monks, why do I play them?
cause they are fun, and I'm the only one in my guild to play one
i think barbs, fighters, clerics, wizards etc are so much more straight forward with much less to focus on (fewer stats)
i did a ton of research into monk before first creating and 3 tries later of low level toons i got something that works wellits a challange and beside ninja jump spin kicks look cool
oh and i love running fast
Only bad about monks ....
light side is redicilous low dmg, with wraps.
So my final build is going 2 be a GTHF light staff monk for around 50 % better dmg.
Oh and i cant use alot off my finishers with staffs, gah no good.
How many dwarves does it take to screw in a lightbulb ?!?
Three. Two to get a ladder under it, one to try to climb up until he realizes the ladder is bugged.
Monkey see, monkey do.
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Why play monk?
Jesus SAVES! (also known as if there is a save for save!)
You make everyone else look like molasses
Your a stunning machine
Tao of the Monk:A stunned enemy deals no damage!..also dies quickly
and a dangerous world like DDO..a Real Man uses their fists to destroy their enemies *grin*
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