Given that Barb action boost DR doesnt stack this may be WAI, but just noting that the str bonus of Orcish Fury is morale typed, and thus isn't stacking with the morale str from Rage pots/clickies.
Given that Barb action boost DR doesnt stack this may be WAI, but just noting that the str bonus of Orcish Fury is morale typed, and thus isn't stacking with the morale str from Rage pots/clickies.
I just checked.
They do stack.
Last edited by EustaceTrevelyan; 09-27-2010 at 07:08 PM.
I think you have a bug you should report.
Which is the bug? They're both clearly listed as morale bonuses. Other than dodge and exceptional, no same type bonuses stack. Are you saying that the higher tiers stack with the morale str from rage pot/clicky, or that you're getting a stack on the first tier, which is both the same type and the same value (both morale str +2)?
Really not arguing with you here, but if morale stuff of different value is stacking now, we need more data from ppl or devs about this.
EDIT: Rolled completely new toon, and bought first tier (second tier you need level 5 half-orc). Same results, as expected morale str doesnt stack with morale.
Last edited by EustaceTrevelyan; 09-28-2010 at 01:49 PM.
It means it's not supposed to stack. The devs probably wouldn't have made a obvious mistake like that if they really wanted them to stack. They are both morale boost, which makes sense. So yeh, the ability to get extra strength as you go down is really eye candy and not a day to day useable ability.
They set the precedent a long long time ago and even stated it was intentional: Feat stacks with enhancement stack with gameplay source (spell/item).
Spell Pen: Feats, Enhancements, Items
Spell DCs: Feats, Enhancements, Items
Saves: Feats, Enhancements, Items/Spells.
Resists: Enhancements, Items/Spells
Stat Bumps: Enhancements, Items/Spells
Skill Bumps: Feats, Enhancement, Items/Spells
Feats usually stack (cant think of any that dont).
Enhancements usually stack with each other (when the dont you are usually locked out of taking it)
Items/Spells providing the same bonus type dont usually stack (with noted exceptions).
I would definitely bug report it. At least let them decide if they want to deviate from the norm.
See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun.Originally Posted by EULA
Not trying to argue with you, really i'm not, but the morale bonus is to Will save, the strength bonus from Barbarian Rage is untyped.
Finally got around to testing Rage pots: Just visited kind Lord Poicelot, bought Vet, and made a third H-Orc. Bought first tier (again, need level 5 for Orcish Fury II), and bought some Rage pots from J vendor. Let myself get below half hp, the Orcish Fury buff icon is active, and i have 2 more str. Chugged a Rage pot and strength doesn't move further. Aylin, are you buying a higher tier of Orcish Fury? If that is stacking with a Rage pot or clicky, let us know (not the Barbarian Rage feat, btw, that stacks of course).
Yes, but usually those things that stack are either untyped, or of a specific enhancement type (action boost e.g.).
You may be right, and it's supposed to stack, despite the devs putting a specific, non-Enh type on the bonus (morale). I'm guessing that it's not, since there are enhancements that don't stack (barbarian DR action boost). Those enh clearly state they don't stack, but putting "morale" on the Orcish Fury instead of say, "Fury" (or leaving it untyped), seems to me to be a dev way of saying that it's not supposed to stack. Kind of academic for me in any case, since stacking or no I can prolly find some other use for the 2pts. (Not dissing it, just not huge value for my build concept.)
Last edited by EustaceTrevelyan; 10-01-2010 at 07:23 AM.