I have 28 songs on my spell singer with Shiona's set or 27 with Smedgar's
Yes, I've both sets on my singer but prefer Smedgar's most the time for the sp saved on extend...
I always take Extra song IV and Lingering Song IV on my bards (I have two) because I prefer them to last long and Extra song is the only way to get Music of the dead and music of makers which do in fact come in handy.
My spell singer is somewhat a quirky thing - I know most usually focus on healing or high CC... Rosewood until recently was older than dirt - first was a 28 point elf rolled in February 2006 until recently when I GR'd her - She's a dex melee bard for most cases her spell CC is strong but could be stronger had she been another race - never an issue in epic though - come healing is more spot healer than raid healer... although she can pull that off in a good group if I push her.
I run epic chains now quite a bit and I do not... but I see what they're getting here is that will be more demand soon...
Pehaps they intend to beef up things like Anthem - I mean the Elyd blade really was not worth epicing for me aside a cheap devil beater. They did also say they were changing some things on the ToD sets.