Ok, my first attempt at a Monk. I'm not trying for an uber, best build. But I don't want a total gimped build. I'm just trying to be relatively decent.
So here's a few options I'm looking at.
8 Monk / 12 Fighter
I think the Power Surge (+8 Str) from Kensai II will be very nice. Should have decent DPS. But not sure which Monk path to take with this one? Any tips if I go this route?
13 Monk / 7 Rogue
I'd take the Ninja Spy path. I'd have 7d6+9 to sneak attack (that's a 33.5 average). Also get Rogue Haste Boost III (25%) Question here is... is it feasible to use the Ninja Spy enhancement Shadow Fade to keep my self regular hidden... thus popping out of the shadows for regular sneak attacks? Basically can you sneak up on folks with Shadow Fade?
10 Monk / 10 Paladin or 9 Monk / 9 Paladin / 2 Fighter
I'm sure this seems stupid... maybe it is... but on paper, it doesn't seem bad. I get ToD. I get several LoHs and Smites, I can raise dead with LoHs, I get I get the Divine Might II (+4 Str Sacred bonuse) and Exalted Smite II enhancements, and I get HLW spell and Resist Energy spell... as well as the use of wands.
If I went the 9/9/2 route. I'd lose Divine Might II, Exalted Smite II, and Way of Animal III. But I'd gain 2 feats and a +1 Str enhancement. This path may actually be better... not sure how my feats would lay out. I may or may not need those 2 extra feats.
So which do I choose. Please, if you have any comments on any of these builds, chime in? I don't just need to know which one is best... but what makes each of these good or bad? I'm totally new to Monk. #2 seems like it'd be fun to play. #3 (either choice) seems great on paper. While #1 will have the most natural DPS, which makes it tempting.
My brain feels like someone hit it with Stunning Fist!!!