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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006

    Default this a good idea?

    Ever since i started playing DDO i loved the multi classing idea and i also love ranged dps. Looking through the forums i havent found something that i liked so i thought id make a vague start of it and see if its worth pursuing.

    (idk how to use that DDO char building thing so ima type it up)

    Elf or drow Male Neutral

    lvl 1: Ranger
    feat: ranged wep focus
    Fav enemy: undead
    lvl 2:wizard
    feat: extend spell
    lvl 3: ranger
    lvl 4-20 wizard

    My main goal of this build is to cast spells and have bow ranged dps plz tell me if this is a good/viable idea

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    might even try to start out as rogue for sneak attack idk still need help!

  3. #3
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    May 2006


    due to stats having to be fixed appropiately and the way I made my char:

    2 rogue / 18 pale master

    I went elf and took Pale Master.

    8 Str which sadly I can't go higher unless I make a 36 pt build
    16 Dex
    12 Con
    18 Int
    8 Wis
    12 Cha

    I went the typical rogue/wiz
    Skills in:
    Disable Device
    Open Lock

    I have empower/maximize/augment summoning/extend/weapon focus ranged/rapid shot/toughness/point blank shot/many shot

    I sadly have 300 Hps only and 1,780 Mana
    I still need to get some better equipment, probably make a GS Longbow

    The spell penetration sucks on this build, and is only spec'd fire/ice.
    He relies on burst damage with many shot.

    Haste, Scroll of Divine Power, Slayer Arrows, Rogue Haste Attack Boost, Many Shot.
    With +5 Arcane Arrows.

    A few days ago, I got 11 crits on Sulo, for 5,500 damage in less than 20 seconds plus,
    Every hit was 10-15 damage, + Holy / Burst + Pure Good.

    My Firewall / Polar Ray combo does the same as rogue/wizards of my level.

    I've been thinking of acquiring an improved shattermantle bow, and get a spell pen item. To get FoD through. Wail and Energy Drain are more out of luck.

    At level 20 I shine is quests/raids level 1-16
    In Amrath I'm not very useful unless we come to a boss.
    Epic I can bring some assistance to the party if someone is using destruction / improved destruction and I have bard buffs, the many shot will just tear bosses apart. Switch to Polar Ray, rinse repeat.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    ok the main thing i wanted to achieve was spells and bow dmg which u did? what feats did u use? and would this be a better combo?????

  5. #5
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    You could go with elf (or half elf maybe in u7?) and aim for the arcane archer PrE through the racial line - 2 ranger levels would get you bow strength (not as much impact for you but with a +6 item its still a little extra) and rapid shot which would help in ranged capability, but you'd also need to take weapon focus (ranged) and point blank shot to qualify for the line... however as a wizard you'd have a few extra metamagic feats to play around with.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  6. #6
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    I also have an elven 1 wizard / 2 monk / 17 FvS which I think would have done better spell wise as cleric to get level 9 spells at 17.

    My build will lack level 9 spells.

    However if Zen Archery does allow for bows as ki weapons, you wouldn't loose your wisdom stance while wielding bows.

    As for Dex, you always need a dex of 15 with a +2 tome for Many Shot, or your character will be broken. Many shot is the DPS of the class.

    Advantages of divine spell casters:

    Divine Favor: +3 damage/ +3 attack.
    Divine Power: BAB = Your Character Level = Thus letting Many Shot hit 20 arrows at level 16+
    Recitation: Think it's a + to AC and maybe attack/damage.

    My build also has quicken/empower/maximize/extend.

    So with 17 levels of FvS I can and will drop 500+ crit blade barriers.

    Have Death Ward, Freedom of Movement and with the Amrath belt, 15 minutes of +30 to my jump. Only down side no auto-haste.
    However with 17 lvls of FvS I do get my wings if I'm not mistaken.

    Sadly for casters you need more points into other attributes and don't get free feats.

    However that being said. If you learn to balance your character, you get other benefits.

    Arcane Archer 20 = +5 Arrows, 100% returning and slaying arrows: 20 insta 500 damage.
    Both my builds will grant you evasion.
    The Wizard gets to do traps/locks at higher levels with the best of them.
    The cleric gets self healing and depending on u7 you'll maybe get zen archery to keep your centeredness. Also Monks might be able to take zen archery, not sure if I read that this was gonna change or not, maybe it was just wishful thinking.


    Your straight bow damage will never be the same as a ranger.
    You won't get improve precise shot and line up mobs and dps them all at the same time.
    Less spell pen that most casters, less DCs, less spell points.
    More item requirements and tomes than most new players can deal with.
    Most of these builds would be best for double TRs or more. to compensate with the multi-class short comings to casters.

    Proposed improvements:
    Double TR for 36 points.
    +2 tomes across the board on stats.
    3 TRs of Ranger for +6 ranged damage.
    3 TRs of sorc/wiz/fvs for (120 spell points), +9 Spell Pen (according to DDOwiki wiz give +2 to spell pen) +3 DC to Evocation spells)

    And yes it sounds and probably is crazy and too much work for a class that might never be playable/useable.

    If really interested let me know and I'll search how I developed this chars.

  7. #7
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
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    I have an Elf AA Wizard. Bow damage is possible and has has a longer range than spell damage.

    I probably spend more time hitting stuff though.

    Or just plain killing stuff.

    It is a 34 point build and used 5 +2 tomes and a +1 int tome while leveling.

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

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