Never tried to solo this quest before. I'm sure it's been done at a lower level but I had a good time.
Never tried to solo this quest before. I'm sure it's been done at a lower level but I had a good time.
Good work and congrats.
On a side note; I'm wondering why you decided on 2 rogue levels (or more in your final build).
I generally see either 1,2,6,13,18 or 20 rogue levels in a build. 1 for rogue skills, 2 for evasion (which you already have as a 9 ranger), 6 for a repeater build, 13 for imp. evasion, crippling strike, and a 6/1 splash to get another pre, 18 for assassin 3, or 20 for capstone.
Most (int bonus to damage) repeater builds aren't ranger and you don't have enough levels to play with to get 13 rogue levels, though you could get one special rogue feat if you end at 9/10/1 ranger/rogue/monk. (and that's not a build I've seen proposed anywhere)
It's the exploiter variant of 12 ranger 7 rogue 1 monk. 12 Ranger for Tempest 2, and 7 rogue for more sneak attack, instead of Tempest 3 that is taken on the 18/1/1 exploiter.
That sounds good. With 7 rogue levels you'd qualify for subtle backstabbing 2 as well. I haven't seen a fully fleshed out build for that level spread before. Do you think you'll grab it?
Have not made any firm decisions on enhancements yet. Can always change it to whatever I like later.
There's a 50+ page thread in the ranger forum called "Exploiter" that starts out only talking about the 18/1/1 version but this one comes into the discussion later on if you want to check it out.
I hadn't read too far into that post and must have quit before it got to variants. Thanks for your reply and again, grats on soloing Tempest Spine.
here the link about this build.