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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Looking for a PD guild

    Hey all
    I'm a p2p player with nearly all packs in the game. I leaved the game this march cause imho the gameplay was starting to be too easy with high levels and epic stuff.
    Now I would like to play again in the hard way so I'm looking for a permadeath guild.
    Every server is fine, searching a enough populated one and preferably with EU time people. I play mostly on night but would like to find people to play with on afternoon sometimes :P

  2. #2
    Founder Duncani_Daho's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Heya Viktor,

    The Core has been around for about a year and a half. Lately we hit guild level 26 and have characters ranging from 1-14. As far as European time zone players go, we could use a few players at that time since most are now active in the North American time zones.

    I'm in Korean time zone, which usually means waking up, making coffee, and seeing what players have finished dinner and are up for some PD play.

    Check out the ruleset at:

    Two of my characters made 12th level today-- a warforged warchanter and a drow monk ninja spy II. Lately that seems like retirement ago. I'm hoping some new blood will help us knock out some guild firsts: The Enemy Within, Dreams of Insanity, Invaders, and maybe Relic of the Sovereign Past soon. I don't think you'll consider it easy play.
    The Core HC Permadeath Guild
    HC stands for Hard Core
    on Khyber

  3. #3
    Community Member Limmi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Viktor89 View Post
    Every server is fine, searching a enough populated one and preferably with EU time people. I play mostly on night but would like to find people to play with on afternoon sometimes :P
    If by night you mean after midnight, I think you can look at any PD guild, as there will be enough US people online then. As for playing in the afternoon or evening, I've found that Mortal Voyage has the most people online at that time, followed by Sublime. Sadly, EU playtime is mostly non-existent in the other guilds.

    I suggest you first take a look at the rules of every guild though, and choose the right one for your playstyle.

    Good luck!

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