Only play the game for about 1 month. forgive any ignorance....
1) Dodge (requires Dexterity 13+): This feat grants +1 to the characters Armor Class.
2) Two-Weapon Defense (requires Dexterity 15+, Two-Weapon Fighting): This feat grants the character a +1 to its Armor Class when fighting with two weapons or +2 to its Armor Class when fighting defensively with two weapons. In DDO, this is not implemented as a shield bonus and stacks with the Shield spell.
3) Two-Weapon Blocking (requires Dexterity 15+, Two-Weapon Fighting): Increases by +2 the damage reduction when actively blocking with two weapons.
OK, I am thinking of taking dodge feat. I have 14 Con as human/fighter, around 120 HP at level 5. AC now is 21 with +2 Armor and 17 DEX. (took the +1 DEX point at level 4).
It seems that I can take both DODGE and TWDef at level 6. Will these stack?
Dodge +1, TWDef +1 or +2 if I hit Def fighting, use gloves of protection +4 shield spell. So if I take dodge and TWDef and use def fighting and shield spell can i increase my AC +7 in tough fights at level 6??. Later I can take TWBlock and add +2 more to that?? I have plenty of feats going pure level 20 fighter. Is this correct thinking or is there a better way to boost AC as TWF and trying to be self sufficient.
The only other thing I was thinking was to take another toughness feat instead of dodge, because I hear that dodge isnt that good. I would like to have spring attack in the future, because I hate the penalty when I am chasing baddies around after some low con, low hp wizard/thief ran ahead and took agro
Thanks for the help.