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  1. #1
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    Default The lawful barb (half orc monk)

    This is what I plan to TR my Warforged monk into once U7 hits

    - high damage output
    - high hp total
    - high survivability via UMD, evasion + saves
    - passing saves on ToD

    Lawful Nuetral Half Orc
    20 monk

    Stats: (34 point buy)
    Str - 42 (18base + 5level + 7item + 2tome + 1 litany + 2ehancment + 1excp +2rage + 4stance)
    Dex - 24 (15base + 3tome + 5item + 1litany )
    Con - 28 (16base + 6item + 2tome + 1litany + 1excp + 2rage)
    Int - 8 (7base + 1tome)
    Wis - 26 (14base + 6item + 3tome + 1 litany + 1enhancment + 1excp + 2yugo - 2stance) if i ever get +4 tome i will get the 2nd enhancment
    Cha - 14 (6base + 6item + 2tome)

    42 completely sustained
    +2 yugo +2 madstone for 46 sudstained but costly str
    +6 titan grip +2 orc frenzy +2 madstoned proct for 56 burst str

    160 base
    180 con
    20 heroic durability
    30 gfl
    22 toughtss
    20 toughness item
    30 enhancments
    10 AA favor
    10 Path of Tortoise
    45 gs item
    507 hp unbuffed
    527 hp with rage(which will be all the time)

    1. Twf
    1. Power attack
    2. Monk past life feat
    3. Path of darkness
    3. Dodge
    6. Toughness
    6. Stunning fist
    9. Itwf
    12. Gtwf
    15. Improved crit: bludgeoning
    18. Stunning blow

    SF - 38 (10base + 10monk + 8wis + 10hw)
    SB - 37 (10base + 10hw + 17str)
    ToD - 38 (10base + 20monk + 8wis)

    Concentration max ranks of course
    UMD - 30 (11ranks + 4gh + 2luck + 5gloves + 2cha + 6GSitem)
    Enoughh for RR items, TS, raise dead, and teleport

    Gear: (this is the part im haveing trouble on) melee/ umd
    Head: Red dragon helm w/ fear immunity / Epic big top(if i ever get)
    Robe: Red scale (Toughness & +1 wis)
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead / Head of good fortune
    Necklace: Shintao Cord / GS cha skills +6 item
    Gloves: Spectral Gloves / Titan gloves
    Belt: Vorne's Belt (+6 con GFL)
    Boots: Madstone boots
    Bracers: Bracers of the Hunter (epic if i can ever do that)
    Cloak: GS minII hp
    Goggles: mentau's Goggles
    Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (shintao monk) w/holy burst
    Ring2: Gnawed Ring (Occult slayer) w/ shocking burst
    Last edited by rjedi; 09-28-2010 at 07:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vazok1's Avatar
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    i assume ya looking for a bit of feedback and such, you dont seem to have missed anything obvious out. gonna be good dps with that, be sure to craft up a few tier 2 GS haste, stone elemental, displacement clickys if you can afford it etc. very useful for leveling

    also your hp would be ( i know its a small difference but thought i'd mention so you knew)

    160 base
    180 con
    30 gfl
    20 heroic durability
    22 toughtss
    20 toughness item
    30 enhancments
    10 AA favor
    45 gs item
    497hp unbuffed
    517 hp with rage(which will be all the time)

    537 with tortoise enhancement
    also if you take line of the tortoise you get 15 or 20 more hp but thats upto your preferance

    also theres a cloak from the new raid that gives +3 profane str bonus, +5 resistance and +7 con when epic'ed (should be easy to epic, everyone will be running) which might be worth it if you havnt already crafted that tier 3 gs you have listed, otherwise i'd say keep the GS for ease lol
    Last edited by Vazok1; 09-26-2010 at 07:39 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member twoton's Avatar
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    well I would assume you wouldnt switch from fire stance to water stance every time you want to drop a TOD so really you can take off the 2 wis from water stance. Also I hope you dont think your going to land unsaveable TOD's most of the time with just a 35 to your TOD save. I mean my TRed monk will end up with a 35 stunning fist and I only expect to land that maybe 1/4 or 1/8 of the time but no where close to have the time.

  4. #4
    Founder ghettoGenius's Avatar
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    Smells like Hogzilla with a TR and past life. I was so looking forward to this, but the ToD change has totally taken the wind out of its sails. I'm really not sure I will go ahead with it now. Still on the fence.

  5. #5
    Community Member Vazok1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twoton View Post
    well I would assume you wouldnt switch from fire stance to water stance every time you want to drop a TOD so really you can take off the 2 wis from water stance. Also I hope you dont think your going to land unsaveable TOD's most of the time with just a 35 to your TOD save. I mean my TRed monk will end up with a 35 stunning fist and I only expect to land that maybe 1/4 or 1/8 of the time but no where close to have the time.
    thats -2 he added to the wisdom not +2, the -2 being from the sunstance. obviously just misread it, done it myself loads of times lol

  6. #6
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoGenius View Post
    Smells like Hogzilla with a TR and past life. I was so looking forward to this, but the ToD change has totally taken the wind out of its sails. I'm really not sure I will go ahead with it now. Still on the fence.
    yeah i might even go light path... I am gonna wait until my 20th shroud and 20th tod which will be early november so i will see if touch of death is going to be used much at all
    If not then i will switch to light path + void strike

    also monk is my favorite class so i will stick with it
    Quote Originally Posted by Vazok1 View Post
    thats -2 he added to the wisdom not +2, the -2 being from the sunstance. obviously just misread it, done it myself loads of times lol
    and yeah thats what the -2 is for

  7. #7
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    36 DC just feels low to me. even with two attempts from TWF, I wouldnt be confident of that landing reliably on tough monsters. And the ToD will be horrid on epic red names and raid bosses.

    personally I'd try to tweak it around to get atleast a 38-40 DC. I think half orcs are going to make overpowered melee on most builds. But I'm actually not to sure how good a monk they'll be simply b/c monks are so DC focused. Which WF get up to a +3 advantage on (at the loss of +2 hit/damage due to the str focus of HO's)
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  8. #8
    The Hatchery
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    My (admittedly bad) TOD DC of 32 (level 17, 20 wis) failed about 80% of the time in Devil Battlefield, so even a 36 wouldn't do all that much - especially on higher difficulty settings dungeons.

    EDIT: Checked up on it. 80%, not 75%.

  9. #9
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    My (admittedly bad) TOD DC of 32 (level 17, 20 wis) failed about 80% of the time in Devil Battlefield, so even a 36 wouldn't do all that much - especially on higher difficulty settings dungeons.

    EDIT: Checked up on it. 80%, not 75%.
    granted amrath mobs have higher saves to greater heroism. But thats also trash mobs. raid bosses are considerabley higher.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  10. #10
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Any TOD DC in the 30's is going to be too low to be worth it. Instead think of it as them giving us 12 AP's back. That means more PA, more Guile, more STR, more whatever...
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  11. #11
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    Any TOD DC in the 30's is going to be too low to be worth it. Instead think of it as them giving us 12 AP's back. That means more PA, more Guile, more STR, more whatever...
    a dark monk without touch of death.

    just say that out loud.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  12. #12
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    Any TOD DC in the 30's is going to be too low to be worth it. Instead think of it as them giving us 12 AP's back. That means more PA, more Guile, more STR, more whatever...
    anyways im gonna see how it works out, if to many monsters have deathward then yeah I will go drop the Tod and go with void strike and some more stuff

  13. #13
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    a dark monk without touch of death.

    just say that out loud.
    heck light path is on my mind right now because the buffs and soloability of it

  14. #14
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    I have said it before, and I will say it again. You need to aim for 30+ Wisdom end game for a monk to have passing DC's on your finishing moves, weither your a Light Monk or a Dark Monk.

    I see no exceptional Wisdom in your build, and you are in Sun Stance, which is actually less swings(doublestrikes) than Wind Stance, which to me, means less DPS.

    This cloak the other guy was talking about is not +3 Profane Strength, unless you wear 3 of the 5 items for that set.

    I'd suggest tossing your gear around to fit more of this setup.

    Head: Helm of the Mrornan ~ +7 Wisdom + Yellow Slot
    Robe: Red scale (Toughness & +1 Exceptional dex)
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Necklace: Shintao Cord
    Gloves: Spectral Gloves ~ +7 Dexterity + Yellow Slot
    Belt: Frenzied Beserker ~ +2 Damage on set bonus.
    Boots: Madstone
    Bracers: Leviks, Bracers of the claw (set with gloves), or chaosgardes, or jids when self healing for the extra healing amp when you switch to fire stance to heal up.
    Cloak: GS minII hp
    Goggles: mentau's Goggles ~ Personally I'd go with the red fens goggles for the +2 exceptional wisdom and true seeing, but thats just me. I don't see my Monk crit often enough to really put to use a Seeker item unless I'm stunning mobs, so I use Seeker handwraps of Stunning 10, on bosses I go for more DC's for my finishers, or if I'm not tanking, I wear my Tharnes.
    Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (shintao monk) w/holy burst
    Ring2: Frenzied Beserker Ring w/shocking burst

    This setup would lose +1 strength, from not wearing a +7 item, however that is offset by eating a +3 strength tome, (20th shroud if nothing else), however it gives you the chance to raise your wisdom easier.

    Str - 38 (18 base + 5 level + 6 item + 3 tome + 1 litany + 2 enhancement + 1 except +2 rage)
    Dex - 26 (15 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 litany + 1 excp)
    Con - 26 (16base + 6item + 2tome + 1litany + 1excp + 2 rage - 2 stance)
    Int - 8 (6 base + 2 tome)
    Wis - 32 (14base + 7 item + 3 tome + 1 litany + 1 enhancment + 2 exceptional + 4 stance)
    Cha - 14 (6 base + 6 item + 2 tome)

    Whenever your madstone boots proc, you'll be a 40 Strength.

    this leaves you 1 build point left over.

    Touch of Death = 10 + 20 + 11 = 41 DC
    Stunning Fist = 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 = 41 DC
    Quivering Palm = 10 + 10 + 11 = 31 DC (trash mob worthy, atleast on non-epic)

    At level 20, your Jump will be maxed, without putting any points into, with the Devils Battlefield clickie. Balance will also be plenty high, with a +15 item. I personally suggest that you do the math, see where your balance will end up, before you place points, you want it to be atleast 21 at cap.

    Max your concentration, maybe your spot, UMD is useless on a Monk, talk to a high level raiding Monk in game, and you'll find out why.

    This is my personal opinion. Everyone went with the Metaru Str Dark Monk build Pre-Mod 7, though I disagree'd with it then as well. Nerf's come and go, I forsee Touch of Death staying the way it is currently on Lamaniaa, however, if enough people complain that this isn't the way it should have been from the start (which is what i think, it should have.) then they might change it to a scaling damage, however I doubt it.

    I've always believed that a Monk, regardless of path, should keep atleast a 40 DC on Stunning Fist. Luckly, 99% of the finishing moves that Monks have, rely on their Wisdom (only 2 don't that I know of), and for these 2 that don't, a Charisma of 16-18 is perfect

    Take it or leave it, up to you.

  15. #15
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by butlerfamilywa View Post

    Touch of Death = 10 + 20 + 11 = 41 DC
    Stunning Fist = 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 = 41 DC
    Quivering Palm = 10 + 10 + 11 = 31 DC (trash mob worthy, atleast on non-epic)
    hows that 41 DC working out for ya on hard or elite horoth or the epic demon queen?
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  16. #16
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by butlerfamilywa View Post
    I have said it before, and I will say it again. You need to aim for 30+ Wisdom end game for a monk to have passing DC's on your finishing moves, weither your a Light Monk or a Dark Monk.

    I see no exceptional Wisdom in your build, and you are in Sun Stance, which is actually less swings(doublestrikes) than Wind Stance, which to me, means less DPS.

    This cloak the other guy was talking about is not +3 Profane Strength, unless you wear 3 of the 5 items for that set.

    I'd suggest tossing your gear around to fit more of this setup.

    Head: Helm of the Mrornan ~ +7 Wisdom + Yellow Slot
    Robe: Red scale (Toughness & +1 Exceptional dex)
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Necklace: Shintao Cord
    Gloves: Spectral Gloves ~ +7 Dexterity + Yellow Slot
    Belt: Frenzied Beserker ~ +2 Damage on set bonus.
    Boots: Madstone
    Bracers: Leviks, Bracers of the claw (set with gloves), or chaosgardes, or jids when self healing for the extra healing amp when you switch to fire stance to heal up.
    Cloak: GS minII hp
    Goggles: mentau's Goggles ~ Personally I'd go with the red fens goggles for the +2 exceptional wisdom and true seeing, but thats just me. I don't see my Monk crit often enough to really put to use a Seeker item unless I'm stunning mobs, so I use Seeker handwraps of Stunning 10, on bosses I go for more DC's for my finishers, or if I'm not tanking, I wear my Tharnes.
    Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (shintao monk) w/holy burst
    Ring2: Frenzied Beserker Ring w/shocking burst

    This setup would lose +1 strength, from not wearing a +7 item, however that is offset by eating a +3 strength tome, (20th shroud if nothing else), however it gives you the chance to raise your wisdom easier.

    Str - 38 (18 base + 5 level + 6 item + 3 tome + 1 litany + 2 enhancement + 1 except +2 rage)
    Dex - 26 (15 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 litany + 1 excp)
    Con - 26 (16base + 6item + 2tome + 1litany + 1excp + 2 rage - 2 stance)
    Int - 8 (6 base + 2 tome)
    Wis - 32 (14base + 7 item + 3 tome + 1 litany + 1 enhancment + 2 exceptional + 4 stance)
    Cha - 14 (6 base + 6 item + 2 tome)

    Whenever your madstone boots proc, you'll be a 40 Strength.

    this leaves you 1 build point left over.

    Touch of Death = 10 + 20 + 11 = 41 DC
    Stunning Fist = 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 = 41 DC
    Quivering Palm = 10 + 10 + 11 = 31 DC (trash mob worthy, atleast on non-epic)

    At level 20, your Jump will be maxed, without putting any points into, with the Devils Battlefield clickie. Balance will also be plenty high, with a +15 item. I personally suggest that you do the math, see where your balance will end up, before you place points, you want it to be atleast 21 at cap.

    Max your concentration, maybe your spot, UMD is useless on a Monk, talk to a high level raiding Monk in game, and you'll find out why.

    This is my personal opinion. Everyone went with the Metaru Str Dark Monk build Pre-Mod 7, though I disagree'd with it then as well. Nerf's come and go, I forsee Touch of Death staying the way it is currently on Lamaniaa, however, if enough people complain that this isn't the way it should have been from the start (which is what i think, it should have.) then they might change it to a scaling damage, however I doubt it.

    I've always believed that a Monk, regardless of path, should keep atleast a 40 DC on Stunning Fist. Luckly, 99% of the finishing moves that Monks have, rely on their Wisdom (only 2 don't that I know of), and for these 2 that don't, a Charisma of 16-18 is perfect

    Take it or leave it, up to you.
    The umd on a monk is really nice rr gear, scrolls, and other perks... my monk is level 20 and I do the epic raids and tod and it helps when a cleric die

    also this is completly different from my build... so feel free to make your own post on it clearly states in my Goals at hteh top of the page UMD
    Last edited by rjedi; 09-27-2010 at 03:52 PM.

  17. #17
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    I only see UMD as useful for RR items/gear. Other than that, to me its useless.

    As far as a diffrent build goes, its pretty much the exact same, just a focus swap from Flame stance, to Wind stance, which in the end, will net you more DPS, better defense, and better DC's.

    Now, in regards to the DC's on combat feats. I have a Warforged Monk, and the DC on my stunning fist is a 43. I rarely find a time where it doesn't work, unless you're thinking of Epic Raid Bosses. On trash mobs, which is where you use stunning blow, 42 is where you want your DC, that is where you really see very very few fails. Now as far as fighting the Bosses goes, I rarely use finishing moves that require a DC. 99% of the time I'm cycling ki strikes to maximize the damage that I am going to do to the monster.

    Like I said, this is all my opinion.

  18. #18
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    regarding stunning DCs

    I got the DCs up a little higher closer to 40, they are 38 now in fire stance and if I ever change to wind stance they will be 39

  19. #19
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    I have to admit, with the changes to twf, at least in mid levels, fire stance has become much more viable to me now. I am able to litterally spam my fire / lightning / earth attacks on mobs, and I am not able to do that with air stance ( I hit a little more but dont generate ki nearly as fast). That may change at later levels though.

  20. #20
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    Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think you would have to take the past life feat at lvl 3 or higher.

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