Hi everyone! Episode 186 of DDOcast is ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can also find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week features guests Anne, Sigfried and Samius and includes the Update 7 Release Notes, "Unlocking the Vault", "The Premium Perspective" and "DDO Poetry".
DDOcast Episode 186 (9-25-10)
:15 Intro
2:35 Update 7 on Lammania
5:00 Beefheart gets a sword, new quests/raid
13:50 Races
19:30 Dragonmark of Finding
25:00 DX11
25:20 Inventory/UI
28:50 Glancing Blows
32:50 Spells, Traps, Runes and more
38:10 Feats and Enhancements, Archmage and Pale Masters
1:04:00 Sound Changes and more
1:20:24 Unlocking the Vault
1:26:45 Premium Perspective
1:32:20 TP Drawing
1:37:40 Community Notes and Lammania announcement from Glin
1:43:00 Emails and Errata
TOTAL TIME: 1:58:39
LINK to screenshots from Lammania, LINK to race screenshots from Lammania and LINK to more screenshots from Lammania.
LINK to the DDO End of Summer event.
LINK to the Update 7 on Lammania Release Notes on ddo.com. LINK to the notes on ddocast.com.
LINK to MadFloyd's my.ddo.com update on Bug Fixes.
LINK to the latest DDO Music files.
LINK to the latest Eberron Chronicle.
LINK to the updated DDO Game Guide.
LINK to DDOVideoMaker's DDO Instructional Videos
LINK to the consolidated .exe file for Packrat.