I want to trade some plat, anywhere between 50 and 200k on Cannith for yours on Orien. We can do it in stages or however you feel comfortable, or I have some items if there are specific ones on Cannith you want (non-epic stuff). Send me a pm please.
I want to trade some plat, anywhere between 50 and 200k on Cannith for yours on Orien. We can do it in stages or however you feel comfortable, or I have some items if there are specific ones on Cannith you want (non-epic stuff). Send me a pm please.
There are some items I could trade on Cannith for plat on Orien as well.
Lightning split soarwood x 4
feather falling ring (req level 5)
some miscellaneous random rolled weapons
+3 mithral full plate
So give me a pm on Legends, Loremaker, Legioned if you are interested or pm me here (or at the very least respond to this message).
Not 100% on this... but Im pretty sure thats not allowed.
also not supposed to bump your own threads... if it dies... it dies.![]()
Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda'DDO, or DDOn't. There is no WoW' -Dunklezhan
Well then this will be my last post relating to such (and bumping). i thought it was allowed because of the amount I see it on the Orien board. Thanks