Dex - Leader - THΣ ЏΠΣΔЯТΗΣÐ ΔЯСΔΠΔI don't do serious, it no fun
The Coolest Person On Orien, I’m a Melee DPS User, Find me On Thorrygg, Thorrwyn, Gorrwyk, Harlophas and Lowharm! I love running all the Content of this Game and Look Forward to being friends with you all, I do not tolerate people badmouthing others or hindering the experience of any new Players in this Game, I will help where I can and When I can. ????
I was hoping these wraps would be permanently on my monk for as long as he dwells in ddo. So, as one could imagine, I'm looking for the wraps with the most possible versatility for their damage type. Perhaps Anarchic (Burst) is just as good, but perhaps the Holy will be better for some unknown reason in the future after x expansion comes out.
Depends on the content you run. If you ever do epic von 3 anarchic burst of gcb would tear up the end fight.
I use a set of the above, though I had to look for a long time and the set I finally found was rr, fortunately I have the umd for em.
Personally I would say since youre already getting holy burst damage on your tod ring (presumably) vicious or anarchic burst or force burst would be just as good if not better depending on the price.
Anywho, i got no wraps to offer you, but there were a lot of threads you stayed on top of due to this discussion![]()
GL on the trade.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
advice taken, and i appreciate the free bumps :P, i may, if nothing happens here in a while, include anarchic into me WTB list...
updated want list. bump