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Thread: my zerker rouge

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010

    Default my zerker rouge

    hi im still new to the game my rouge is lvl 5 nearly hitting 6 and im not sure if im playing correctly so maybe u can give advice as to what ive done so far

    my main dual swords are two shock short swords +1 im wearing chainmail+2 and all my other gears pretty much give me bonuses to hide,tumbling,+1dex,spot(pretty much the stuff for boosting my thief skills for tresure hunting and traps.I do have some gears that give me some buffs like S of Faith,mage armour,the bear buff thing for hp,and cure light wounds pieces,is that ok?

    my feats are the 2 hands wepens and expertize feats not sure which one to get next :/

    my action points are all based on the sneaking attack style , dex stat bonuses and moving faster in sneak mode.
    my sneak dmg atm is about 30-40 points of damage which im not sure is high or low atm .

    i have nearly 3k plat and will be looking for a nice items would it be wise for me to keep saving for mithril armour?

    i really just wud like some advice from an expert zerker please as i hav sometimes no clue on how to item build my class and maximize my sneaking dmg. thanks in advance for ur replys <3 oh and shud i maybe muticlass now? if so what class wud work for me? tytyty! <3

  2. #2
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    I would recommend you look up some guides for rogues.

    Important things to have on items at your level: light fort/medium fort, +con, +str, +dex, +wis for saves, invulnerability is nice, DR is nice

    search/disable/open lock gear you can switch in and out when you need to actually perform those actions

    mithril armor is nice

    From your enhancements it seems like you are in sneak mode all the time. In some groups this is okay. Some groups (and I personally) hate to see rogues sneaking all the time. In a group usually sneak is not needed. I would devote some of your enhancements to toughness, haste boost, action boost I.
    700+ HP? 90+ AC? TWF DPS and Hate?

  3. #3
    Community Member Illiain's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Most Rogues take Weapon Finesse or Khopesh(depending on Dex/Str focus), Toughness, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Power Attack, and Imp Critical: Pierce/Slash (depending on Dex/Str focus).

    It looks like you're going Dex, so focus more on Weapon Finesse and Imp Critical:Pierce. Get yourself a couple good rapiers, or rapier/shortsword if you miss too often.

    Try to keep your skill items as high as you can afford and as mentioned, you can swap into them while doing traps/locks, then swap back to combat gear.

    AC will help you up until level 10. After that, unless you focus heavily on AC, you can't really keep up with monster attack bonuses. Try to get your hps as high as possible, and always get the highest fortification item you can for your level. I think heavy fort items start around level 11.

    To get your sneak attack damage, you only need someone else to be the target. You don't need to always be in sneak mode. Make sure your diplomacy skill is high and get the threat reduction enhancements. This will help to keep things from attacking you directly, so you can SA them.

  4. #4
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    chainmail bad MithChainShirt good

    MEdium Armor Bad Light armor GOOD Robes Best

    MAGE armor is +4 AC yes if you have no Armor on

    Shield of Faith is good if you dont have the protection item on +2/3 if you have protection +3 item SoF is a waste of Plat

    that is amazing that out of 3d6+2 your getting 30-40 SA let me know how you do this my calculator doesnt seem to work as good as yours but then again I am using my brain.

    also what shade of make-up are you using?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jul 2009


    Most important thing for you to remember when playing a ROGUE is that it is not make up.

    Please take the time to spell it correctly.

    Also, what is a zerker?

    There are a ton of builds listed on the forums. You should look at all of them and their feedback to get clues on what to do next. What you generally want is entirely based on yoru playstyle so you need to build for you. There are things that you should follow though such as PRE requirements.

    One thing you dont need right now is faster sneaking. Sneaking is not terribly important until you go assassin 2.
    Last edited by jurzey; 09-27-2010 at 07:58 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    The Estee Lauder quest chain has some great rouge gear sets,
    that drop fairly commonly. Just make sure that your gear doesn't


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