Crazy Theoretical Divine Might Haggle Cleric
Prompted by a guildie asking for something for her Drow. This is totally crazy and I wouldn't recommend anyone to build it. It's just fun... can it be viable? I have no clue. Probably would be better as Human to pick up Extend as well.
EDIT: The build uses Epic Dynastic Falcata to virtually dumpstat STR in favor of CHA.
Cleric18/Rogue2 Drow
Not much at all in trapskills, could probably open locks in Shroud though, and do traps on Normal while leveling if fully buffed out the wazoo and fully geared. (And roll LUCKY! lol)
STR 20 (10 +2 tome +6 item +1 exc +1 Litany)
DEX 26 (16 +2 tome +1 Litany +7 epic)
CON 24 (14 +2 tome +7 epic +1 Litany)
INT 12 (10 +2 tome) 18 with +6 item for trapskills
WIS 26 (12 +2 tome +2 Cleric +7 epic +1 Litany +2 exc)
CHA 36 (16 +5 levels +2 tome +2 Cleric +7 Epic +3 exc +1 Litany)
Divine Might III
Radiant Servant II
Emp Heal
SF: Haggle
Exotic Prof: Khophesh
Problems: Epic Dynastic Falcata uses CHA for +hit and damage, but wouldn't be able to use any other weapon ever... can't take TWF feats to back up the TWF'ing.
WIS being low this build doesn't have a lot of SP, would probably spend all it's haggle bonus in buying mana pots. Would fail as a Cleric while leveling and wouldn't be able to hit much either until the Khopheshes are crafted to Epic.
Can't max both Haggle and UMD.
Ideas for an actual sort of viability: If you stop with the Haggle focus (take UMD instead), go Human, and take TWF, ITWF and GTWF, this could turn out to be kinda a fun Battle Cleric.
If you substitute 2 Monk for TWF feats instead of 2 Rogue, then pick up OTWF and Extend as well (Balance and Concentration for skills) this could actually sort of work as a "Holy Mother of Turn Undead" Battle Cleric build. o.O
.oO Holy Mother Oo.
Human Cleric18/Monk2 Lawful Neutral
Using Epic Dynastic Falcata for CHA attack and damage instead of STR. Skills are Balance and Concentration, with some into Tumble and Jump at the beginning.
Divine Might III
Radiant Servant II
STR 22 (12 +2 tome +7 epic +1 Litany) 24 rage spell
DEX 26 (15 +2 tome +1 Litany +7 epic +1 exc)
CON 24 (14 +2 tome +6 epic +1 Human +1 Litany) 26 rage spell
INT 12 (10 +2 tome)
WIS 28 (12 +2 tome +2 Cleric +1 G Human +7 epic +1 Litany +3 exc)
CHA 36 (16 +5 levels +2 tome +2 Cleric +7 Epic +3 exc +1 Litany)
(Note that I'm not sure it'll be possible to afford Cleric WIS III and Human Greater Adaptability WIS and everything else, that'd be 10 AP spent for 20 more SP and 1 more DC that won't work in epic anyway.)
TWF, OTWF, Toughness
Emp Heal
Quicken OR Extend
Exotic Prof: Khophesh
Could be an interesting build, but this would be seriously WEAK leveling up. Not enough SP to be main healer, definitely not enough attack to melee. Could potentially go Finesse instead of ITWF at first then swap that out later on before picking up GTWF.