I was in a fairly new guild (11) and today it is gone. I came online in a tavern in my underwear because my armor required a Guild Lvl 1 and my guild was no longer in existence! I play nearly everyday for several hours and would like an active guild with a good airship. I'm on the Ghallandra server. My current character is Springlee, a lvl 6 Paladin. Springlee is Lawful Good and prefers to play with like minded mature people. Any suggestions?
Ok, I asked to join a couple of guilds that posted they were recruiting. But there was no response. SO I started my own guild using my toon Theodendri as leader. Our guild is recruiting as soon as I figure out how to invite people to join. Guild name is Heroes of Ghallanda. Guild is open to all good people regardless of age. Ask any of my toons when you see them Springlee, Theodendri and occasionally Lorendri to join.