Greetings clerics!
I am still a relatively new player to DDO (a couple of 14-15 level melee chars), and brand-spanking new to the cleric class. The primary reason that I don't have higher level characters, despite playing for a year now, is that I often can't sit down and play straight through without interruptions, and I play at somewhat odd hours. As a result, I spend most of my time soloing quests. Or, more accurately, attempting to solo.
To hopefully elevate the number of solo completions, I am building a cleric/rogue/monk multi-class. She's currently level 6, and at 1 Rogue (first level), 1 monk, and 4 Cleric. She's already an improvement on the soloing front, as I successfully soloed Tear of Dhakaan at level 6 with almost all self-found gear. Can you tell that I'm proud of that?Anyway, her next two levels will be Cleric as well, to pick up Radiant Servant, but then I have a decision to make. I will be taking one more level of either rogue or monk at level 9... I just can't decide which one.
Here's the build thus far (obviously heavily influenced by Valiance's solo cleric):
Level 6 Human
Str - 12
Dex - 16
Con - 12
Int - 12
Wis - 16 + 1 level so far, and am planning to add here
Cha - 8
Will eat a +2 supreme tome at 7.
1 - Rogue - Toughness and TWF
2 - Cleric
3 - Cleric - Extend
4 - Monk - Weapon Finesse
5 - Cleric
6 - Cleric - Empower Healing
Skill points have been going into Concentration and UMD primarily, with extras into Search.
The way I see it, the decision on whether to take one more rogue VS monk level hinges on a secondary question: will this character be effective at dealing melee damage at the higher levels?
If she will, then I would probably go monk at 9 and take Power Attack + Maximize, ITWF at 12, Heighten at 15, and GTWF at 18. Skill points would continue to go into the same places. This idea hinges on a high enough level of Concentration allowing me to not take Quicken. Is this a particularly bad idea? If so, I would probably swap Extend for Quicken at some point.
If she wont be able to melee effectively, then I'd rather not waste all those feats on nothing. In that case I would take Rogue at 9, thus still getting evasion while also adding a nice boost to disable device and open locks. Feats would be Maximize at 9, Quicken at 12, Heighten at 15, and either Spell Focus: Evocation or Spell Pen at 18 (opinions on which one would be greatly appreciated!). If I went this route, I would consider swapping out Weapon Finesse and/or TWF for an additional Toughness and probably Lightning Reflexes with the monk feat. I would also most likely stop adding points to Concentration in order to boost up the rogue skills.
Thanks much for any and all advice!