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  1. #1
    Community Member FlamingPoet's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Post 18 Cleric/ 2 Monk Build

    Is this a good build to do if you make a cleric and will the cleric still be able to be a healbot if 2 monk classes are taken. I just want my healbot to have good offense to fight so i won't always be in the back healing. If so when should i get the 1'st lvl of monk and when should i get the second? Also will i have super high ac or is that another build?

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    It depends on your priorities and available build options. Focus on melee or spells? THF or TWF? 28-pt or 32-pt build? Any tomes you can count on? Which race(s) do you have unlocked? Which race(s) do you prefer? Are you willing to wait for U7 to bring half-elves & half-orcs into the mix?

  3. #3
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    [QUOTE=FlamingPoet;3289093]Is this a good build to do if you make a cleric and will the cleric still be able to be a healbot if 2 monk classes are taken. /QUOTE]

    It's a great build, and very synergistic, but I do not recommend it for a player's first Cleric- especially if the player does not have access to 32 pt. builds and tomes. To make it work well, you have to spread your stats thinly- not enough points if you only have 28. It's also extremely gear-intensive... most of the gear on my Clonk is raid loot, named or crafted. My suggestion is to play a pure Cleric to cap- learn the class, acquire gear and tomes and then TR into a Clonk.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlamingPoet View Post
    I just want my healbot to have good offense to fight so i won't always be in the back healing.
    Clerics are not healbots. If players want a babysitter, they should get a hireling. You can choose two paths here- melee capable or offensive casting Cleric/Monk. I prefer the offensive caster. If anything, I think Clonks make equal to (if not superior) offensive casters due to Evasion (not having to constantly target yourself for heals) and the ability to put full points in Balance at start. No matter what your spells hit for, you can't cast them if you are knocked on your ***.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlamingPoet View Post
    If so when should i get the 1'st lvl of monk and when should i get the second? Also will i have super high ac or is that another build?
    Monk is taken as the first level and the second level of monk can be taken any time after you get Blade Barrier, Heal, and your other level 6 spells. You can have good AC, but you need to grind the gear for it and possibly sacrifice a lot of gear slots. My Clonk could reach an AC in the 60s, but I don't care to focus on it. Her AC is 37 with no armor bonus and she's fine.
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  4. #4
    Community Member 9rileystep's Avatar
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    I made a first life clonk and really enjoy it although admittedly I ran on my 3rd life toon to get most of the gear he is using and I started with Champion 32 pt. build.

    Going 2 monk gives the cleric access to 2 free "monk" feats - on my clonk I took both feats as toughness

    I made a Necro-Divine and specialized in Necromancy - Taking both Spell Focus Necromancy and Greater spell focus Necromancy and I maxed out my wisdom.

    When I finish the Magister ED my Necromancy DC's will hit 51....52 with Yugo pots and 53 if I ever manage to pull a +5 wisdom tome (already have Litany but its an "off" modifier so I don't use it yet)

    Although I didn't spec' my toon for a high armor class I ended up with an AC of 75

    As my toon is now, he is fully capable of solo'ing all Epic Hard quests (not raids) thanks to his one-two punch of Slay living and Destruction

    Oh and about the healing question.....I have no problems shifting into heal mode and can solo heal many of the raids.....Thanks to the meta-magic feats Empower Healing, Empower, and Maximize.....just pick up any thaumaturgy staff with devotion 120 and superior healing lore on it

    After playing this clonk, I would never use a pure cleric again.....especially since the cleric capstone is GARBAGE!

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