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  1. #1
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Default My Completionist project: Final build

    I'm only just past half way done but have been wishy washy about the final build and have decided to post my evolving thoughts on what I want it to be. I have to start farming and building to something specific as inventory becomes tight (even with the store bought banks and 10 mules.)
    So here goes: feel free to offer improvements or suggestions.....this is an effort to solidify my plans.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  2. #2
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Default Build:

    Lawful Neutral 18/2 Pale Master/Monk 32pt Drow

    Str: 22 (12 base +2 comp feat +2 tome +6 item -2 water stance +2 Excpet)
    Dex: 30 (16 base +2 comp feat +2 enh +2 tome +6 item +2 Except)
    Con: 26 (12 base +2 comp feat +2 tome +6 item +4 lich form)
    Int: 44 (18 base +2 comp feat + 5 level ups +3 enh +3 tome +6 item +2 lich +3 Except +2 Yogo pot)
    Wis: 28 (14 base +2 comp feat +2 tome + 6 item +2 water stance +2 lich form)
    Cha: 22 (10 base +2 comp feat +2 tome +6 item +2 lich form)

    59 AC

    Leveling: 1 monk, 2-8 wizard, 9 monk, 10+ wizard

    Feats: (work to do here)
    1. (monk) two weapon fighting
    1. Toughness
    2. (wizard) extend
    3. Completionist
    6. Past life Wizard
    6. (wizard) SF Necro
    9. (monk) Stunning fist
    9. Maximize
    12. (wizard) empower
    12. Sf necro 2
    15. Improved two weapon fighting.
    17. (wizard) Heighten
    18. Improved Two Weapon Fighting or Insightfull Reflex
    Last edited by Varr; 11-14-2011 at 09:32 PM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  3. #3
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Level 19 eqiptment: (I have little knowledge of epic equipping ATM so will worry about that later)

    Head: Smoke 2 helm (+15 hp, 40 pt fire resist, perm-blur, 2 clicky displacement (I have)). Other gs clickies like res and haste will be helm items.
    Neck: Torc (I have). Silver flame (I have, but don't know if ever useful to a lich?)
    Trinket: Eardweller (I must aquire). Head of good fortune (I have). Mysterious Bauble (I have).
    Cloak: Napkin (I have).
    Belt: Greater false life and +6 con (I have).
    Ring 1: +6 str (tod ring I need +3 except int)
    Ring 2: +6 dex (tod ring I need +2 except str).....tumble weed that I have till then).
    Boots: Mineral 2 (+30 hp, +50 sp, 100%fort, +5 pro, 2 stoneskin clickies (I have)). Tod boots (I need). K. Delving boots (I need).
    Bracers: Chaos guards (I have).
    Goggles: Conopp (+250 sp, immune to fear/poison, +6 Wis (I have)).

    Armor: DragonTouched (+6 cha, +5 resist, +4 insight (I have)).

    Weapons: handwrapps and kamas galore.
    Last edited by Varr; 11-12-2011 at 01:48 AM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  4. #4
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    Wait... WHAT?! your completionist will end up as a Drow?

    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    - Douglas Adams -

  5. #5
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gnorbert View Post
    Wait... WHAT?! your completionist will end up as a Drow?

    Hehehe......if was either arch Mage or rogue instead of monk would be my beloved halfling......but this build Cruz drow to me. Will have to adapt to being tall.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  6. #6
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    Nitpick: You can't take Wizard Past Life until level 3.

  7. #7
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    A Drow wiz/monk is actually my next build..good choice . A few thoughts / comments:

    - Why not 20 intelligence to start off with seeing as how the main focus of the build is casting? That would seem to take advantage of the Drow strengths. You probably have a reason for the 14 starting wisdom, but that would be my first place to take from to beef up intelligence.

    - Is it possible to squeeze ITWF in there? You're plently well geared and could add a lot to the group while conserving mana. Perhaps lose the heighten or combat expertise feat?

  8. #8
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Feats fixed on wiz past life, good catch! Knew they were a mess.

    Myst......good questions.....I have fallen in love with ac, against the norm. I believe in it and with the 6 build pts in it plus ce at 11 and ranger pl at 12.......and top slot of my dt armor, and braced slot I'll be at 61 or so self buffed in ce, 56 out if it. I see a game change at that ac thru level 19.....I might respec at 20 as I shift into epic mode.....I dont think so though. I'd rather give up wraith form (mental toughness) and fit in improved two weapon than the ac.

    Most will not agree with me on this, but ac, evasion, saves, and self healing are always the first things I build to.....fitting dps in after creating what I'm comfortable with as a survivable character.

    Most players are a little more team oriented, build in piles of hp.....and dps out. A very good way to build, just not mine.
    Last edited by Varr; 09-24-2010 at 09:58 PM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  9. #9
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Agree with the melee aspect, and would like to fit in itwf.

    Reason I specked in two tod rings.....not certain, but I think I can add goodies to the rings for my had wraps and......

    Say a pair of +3 flaming greater gian bane wraps turns into.....
    Add Ivey burst, add force rit, add goodburst, add shockburst, add 1-8 neg energy for lich.....

    That is a +7/7 to giants with 3/6 giant, 1/6 fire, ice, good, shock, 1/8 negitive, 1 force.....and on crit they just blow up pretty much......but I could be wrong on the tod rings and additives to handwrapps, I have research to do.
    Last edited by Varr; 09-24-2010 at 02:53 PM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  10. #10
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    Having your heavy fortification in the boots slot can and will be a problem in ToD.
    Even if you plan on staying in lich form all of the time, it will tick healers off, and you have to be extra careful to not receive death ward as a buff.
    I don't see a mana item apart from the bauble, no archmagi trinket or bracers?
    Why the mental toughness if you are not doing an archmage build? edit: (realized its for shroud of the wraith)
    No spell penetration feats might be tricky if you plan on doing epics(the past lives will probably compensate somewhat).
    You might have to do some minor changes if you plan on staying at 20 and venturing into epics.
    Last edited by trespasser; 09-27-2010 at 04:21 AM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Good pts.....

    I've yet to run a lich, but a key to this being "the build" is the form toggle and my ability to be 100% self sufficient. I'll have to be able to reliably self heal in form for this to work for me.

    As to fort, I'm counting on lich form to cover when I need to toggle in fom or tod boots. Or further juggling of gear. Point of referance on gear.....I built two deathnips yesterday, just because I figured they would look cool all licked out. I expect to have any gear in game I want or need by the end.

    As to mana.....due to my early altitis and multiclass preference, I tend to run my toons very mana conservative. Between a good int, mt (maybe), past lives, +300 for greensteel, Bauble, epic spellstoring ring, endless supply of mana trinkets and pots......can't see mana being an issue......lus slow regen with conop and torc.

    I'm assuming there is a pile of epic gear I'll want to slit in, and not set in stone with my three greensteel wearables.

    Spell pen has me concerned. Not having stunning fist has me concerned. Self healing reliably has me very concerned.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  12. #12
    Community Member Vazok1's Avatar
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    theres a robe from litany that you could get (if your not set on your robe) which casts inflict light wounds on you whenever you get hit. that would go quite a way to being self healed in lich form, along with the healing from the death auras. plus burst heals from necrotic burst, i've done a 190 negative heal with the burst before on my wizard and thats without tod set giving +200% to negative energy, plenty of potential if ya ask me

    edit; then again you could do a monk with a load of healing amp like 12monk/7paly/1rogue or something like that. but then you'd lose the casting... obviously
    Last edited by Vazok1; 09-27-2010 at 10:18 AM.

  13. #13
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    For self healing - the intimidate ring from Abbot can be used to cast harm on yourself and cover your 5 resists slot so that can be something to consider.

    I have no doubt you have the resourses to change your fortification slot, I was just pointing out why I think it might be a problem in that particular slot.

  14. #14
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Thanks, and sorry if I came off sounding snappish......I'll admit, I'm both nervous about being self sufficient and highly annoyed that I'm struggling to settle on a build.....I want a 20 Wizard/3light monk/1rogue/2 paladin/2fighter. I can't seem to make that fit.....and after 50 million xp, I sure would like to love my stupid build. Gah!!!!
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varr View Post
    Thanks, and sorry if I came off sounding snappish......I'll admit, I'm both nervous about being self sufficient and highly annoyed that I'm struggling to settle on a build.....I want a 20 Wizard/3light monk/1rogue/2 paladin/2fighter. I can't seem to make that fit.....and after 50 million xp, I sure would like to love my stupid build. Gah!!!!
    feedback devs to raise cap to 28 and your set =)

    <3 Varr

  16. #16
    Founder Dex's Avatar
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    You might want to spend some time doing epic's next time you hit 20, it can be an eye opener, just saying...

    Do you have a contingency plan if more classes are added?

    I'm sure you have already considered this, but for this build wouldn't greater twf be better at 18 than mental tough? Or is that a requirement?

    Good luck man, can't wait to see the finished work.

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  17. #17
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    I'm not going to say this right, so forgive me.

    After reading the forums I was excited by how impossibly difficult epic spent about two weeks doing it during my ranger life getting to 21 shrouds.....and found epic quests and raids to be mindblowingly easy. I was sadly underwhelmed after buying the hype on the forums.

    Not only do I expect my final build to be able to party with ease in epic.....I'm expecting soloability when I chose. Did six man pugs, three man pugs, raid pugs.....and on Cannith, when I say pug I'm really talking pug.

    I found epic content to be way to easy for it's disrespect intended.

    To your point, I am adding a life (clone to end) now to pick up another wiz past.....for penetration and will spend six months or so at 20. Bored of xp farming ATM, so will take a break at about the half way point to completionist.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  18. #18
    Community Member xxScoobyDooxx's Avatar
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    Default Good luck Varr

    Look forward to seeing you make it

    P.S can I pike with you when you solo epic ... you know just to get the good stuff at the end ... jks
    Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varr View Post
    I'm not going to say this right, so forgive me.

    After reading the forums I was excited by how impossibly difficult epic spent about two weeks doing it during my ranger life getting to 21 shrouds.....and found epic quests and raids to be mindblowingly easy. I was sadly underwhelmed after buying the hype on the forums.

    Not only do I expect my final build to be able to party with ease in epic.....I'm expecting soloability when I chose. Did six man pugs, three man pugs, raid pugs.....and on Cannith, when I say pug I'm really talking pug.

    I found epic content to be way to easy for it's disrespect intended.

    To your point, I am adding a life (clone to end) now to pick up another wiz past.....for penetration and will spend six months or so at 20. Bored of xp farming ATM, so will take a break at about the half way point to completionist.
    People crying how hard epics are are usually the ones that want to zerg it in 5-10 minutes with vorpals and instakills with 0 effort or strategy.
    And this can actually be done for most of them if you take a few days to explore the quest (or someone shows you a decent strategy).
    The new epic packs are extremely easy - the saves of the mobs are ridiculously low, to the point where my cleric can toss a symbol of persuasion and manage the DCs 70% of the time in the Red Fens (with just heighten and a +2 focus item, no specialization for it whatsoever, DCs around 34). The hard quests from the VoN series are not ran too often. Desert ones can be challenging, but that is just 5 quests out of all the epics out there.
    Epics have degraded in difficulty to the point where a party that will fail in amrath 100% of the time, will run epics (except desert) with little to no troubles.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by trespasser View Post
    People crying how hard epics are are usually the ones that want to zerg it in 5-10 minutes with vorpals and instakills with 0 effort or strategy.
    And this can actually be done for most of them if you take a few days to explore the quest (or someone shows you a decent strategy).
    The new epic packs are extremely easy - the saves of the mobs are ridiculously low, to the point where my cleric can toss a symbol of persuasion and manage the DCs 70% of the time in the Red Fens (with just heighten and a +2 focus item, no specialization for it whatsoever, DCs around 34). The hard quests from the VoN series are not ran too often. Desert ones can be challenging, but that is just 5 quests out of all the epics out there.
    Epics have degraded in difficulty to the point where a party that will fail in amrath 100% of the time, will run epics (except desert) with little to no troubles.
    /derail 3 manned Epic oob (check the screens if your bored - and 3 outta 4 red fens epics few dozen times gotta know the tricks of the trade but epic wiz-king? F that place but then again mass hold + dreamspitter's = win for epics
    most are epics are pretty rough tho casters popping for over 100+ with resists sucks

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