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  1. #1
    Founder Sani_Medicor's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default PVP Explorer Area and Looting

    I pvped for years in Ultima Online, but it honestly has never interested me here. That's mainly because I enjoyed fighting in the field more than a dueling scenario. There's a lot more strategy to fighting someone in an outdoor or dungeon terrain...especially when you add in monsters attacking one or both of the combatants. Not to mention, the chance of fighting multiple opponents, which as a solo pk I did on a regular basis. Plus, there was always the excitement of not knowing what kind of loot you might get by killing them.

    It would be awesome to be able to enter one of the explorer areas with "pvp" as the difficulty. If all goes well, maybe the dungeon in the explorer area could be added as well. Also, it would be nice to have their be some risk/reward to pvping. Maybe the person that kills you gets some amount of plat, whether it be a flat rate or a percentage of your character's total plat. Also, it would be cool to be able to loot any items the person had gotten in the area up to that point. That would add a lot of excitement to desert chest runs! lol
    Last edited by Sani_Medicor; 09-24-2010 at 09:01 AM.

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