during a long time i enjoyed looking at template builds, many ideas were quite interesting
but now template builds are more about :
- reincarnate as a 34/36pts build
- use specific epic loots/ any gs / farmable item you can imagine
- got all buffs you can find in game, which never happens
so many templates are now quite ridiculous and useless, this is teasing players with a build they will most probably never egalize, at least cuz before you have spent enough time to realize the exact build many new epic loots will have appeared and totally changed the "new ownage build"
to new players, play the class you like the most, pick whatever race you prefer, and just play without stressing on what item to loot, and only use templates to figure what loots you can have when you capped your character, and pick some few ideas, especially about synergies when multiclassing and choosing feats.