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what feat is that? Self reliant, On top of augment summoning? Not to mention Spell focus necromancy? what extra feat would I have to get to own this robot dog, beyind haviing high repair skills?
wizarda can have between 10 and 13 feats max, depending on human status, or splashes. 5 meta magic feats, Extend, maximize, Empower, quicken, heighten, and/or enlarge. Dont forget survivability feats: Diehard, insightful reflexes, , dont forget spell penetration, and greater penetration. Thats 9 right there. If your a pure human wizard, with 12-13 feats, you dont have to worry, but if you took another race, or splashed a little rogue, or cleric in there, then you have a hard choise for your last few feats. Either you sacrafice some of the core wizard line up, or you sacrefice your freedom to go in multiple routs at once, and you have to chose your final biuld. If you get all 6 meta magic feats, then you really dont have much of a choise.