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  1. #21
    Community Member Benjai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by platonicx View Post
    I dont see how 1/3 of meele damage needs "rebalancing" especially with all the AA imubes. Someone whos ranging and thus not taking any damage should not do that much damage himself. Besides i dont know why but every archer player i met so far is a total noob. I mean even casters tank stuff they aggro but archers nah they start shooting at a boss and then kite him with 3 meeles chasing thus crippling the dps of the whole party. I dont see what was bad before when using of a bow was situational and at close every ranger switched to meele. Archers shooting arrows at opponets who are right next to them look ridiculous anyway :-/

    I would be much more happy if every archer would have his meele ability buffed up so they would use that upclose.
    Well your drivel about the noob archers is irrelevant. And 1/3 damage is OK? You're saying that you need 3 archers to do the same damage as the most mediocre melee build and thats ok?

    The ranged being safer from damage is a poor argument for several reasons. One is if your doing more damage than melee then your getting agro and you're going to get whacked (unless you do the kiting thing which will you blacklisted from groups out of annoyance, not to mention that my proposed doubleshot would help prevent kiting anyways). Secondly if you have a tank then melee is also safe from damage if they're behind the target. So since they're safe from damage should they get a damage buff?

    There is a reason why tanks should NOT do the most damage. Thats because if tanks had the best defense AND the best offense then there would be no downside to being a tank and that all other classes would be irrelevent.

  2. #22
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    Every melee has gonna be targeted by the same AOE spells and a lot of mobs on higher levels have cleave ability plus when a mob switches agrro from what you refer to as a tanks ( there is no such a thing really) then the melee gets it right to his face as opposed to a archer whos snipping from across the room. I just dont see why archery should ever get even close to melee and i dont want to see more people shooting stuff at meele range.

  3. #23
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    How about this? Remove Slayer Arrows.

    Let rangers shoot 3 arrows per shot infinitely 24/7.

    No more Manyshot. 4 arrows would be slightly too much.

    PvE: Rangers constantly shooting 3 arrows yaaay.

    PvP: No more "boom! 500" on a heal. People can survive that crud.
    How about this, PvP means nothing in DDO and no gear/feat/ability should ever be made or changed for pvp in this game. I hear Hello Kitty Online have some pvp you might enjoy instead of whining about it here.

  4. #24
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by platonicx View Post
    Every melee has gonna be targeted by the same AOE spells and a lot of mobs on higher levels have cleave ability plus when a mob switches agrro from what you refer to as a tanks ( there is no such a thing really) then the melee gets it right to his face as opposed to a archer whos snipping from across the room. I just dont see why archery should ever get even close to melee and i dont want to see more people shooting stuff at meele range.
    It is hard to answer something like this really. You sure you want to play dnd? Casters throwing polar ray are ok I hope or is your answer then going to be at least they are doing damage. At that point then I'd have to point out that they aren't taking any damage while dealing out more damage then most of the melee. To which you will point out that they run out of spell points to which I reply well only if they want to really after all they can buy pots and have an endless supply. To which you will reply well at least they aren't kiting to which I'd reply neither would an archer if he was putting out more damage. Of course I didn't bother to mention that between resists, protections, rogues, and tempest rangers that 1/2 of the melee aren't even getting hit by the aoe's and many aren't even hardly getting hit by the enemy melees for alot of the quests. To which you're reply would be...
    Last edited by Orratti; 09-25-2010 at 02:48 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member h4x0r1f1c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    How about this, PvP means nothing in DDO and no gear/feat/ability should ever be made or changed for pvp in this game. I hear Hello Kitty Online have some pvp you might enjoy instead of whining about it here.
    You heard wrong actually because a few months back I was asking my friend about that.

    There is no PvP there. Also I'm the dude who showed you that hang-in-the-air trick.

    They're fixing it in U7 so doesn't matter I guess.
    Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker

    (how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)

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