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  1. #1
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Default dndclient.exe - DirectX Issue

    The Lamannia patcher has been updated and will not check to see if your system has the required DirectX packages when you first launch Lamannia.

    This should resolve the 'dndclient.exe / d3dx9_42.dll' issue. Please post in this thread if you are still seeing this issue.

    Note: I am aware of the NullReferenceException - Win7 thread and asked for more information there.

  2. #2
    Community Member laurawilder's Avatar
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    Default Directx

    Once I even got passed the directx issue just to run the client I still cannot run the game. Half the interface does not load and the games just locks if I try and enter. I am highly disappointed. I would not want paying customers like myself to view something this untested.

  3. #3
    Community Member Arisa316's Avatar
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    I already had the directx installed on my comp so everytime I start up the launcher now it freezes at downloading the directx file from the client. V_V I cant get past it to play and the person I live with went ahead and was able to install it from the ddo client and when they log in it just loops them back to log in.
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  4. #4
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    When I tried to start Lamannia tonight, I saw the new DirectX download and install happening, so thanks for adding that to the start-up. However, it didn't fix my problem.

    When I log in and reach the character selection screen, the screen is black except for the UI buttons (i.e,. I can see my characters' names and the arrows at the bottom, etc -- but the actual scene is black).

    So, when I select a character, it goes to the normal "Welcome to Eberron" loading screen, but just sits there. And sits there. Nothing happens, not even any action in the loading bar at the bottom. I have to force quit to exit.

    This is disappointing.

    EDIT: I tried playing with character generation (because that is the one part of the game I can access right now) and it let me go through the steps, but when I got to the 'appearance' part, not only was the background still black, but the face portrait part was blank as well.

    Here is a link to a screenshot showing what I mean.
    Last edited by DANTEIL; 09-23-2010 at 08:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Gum's Avatar
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    Still having this problem. "This application has failed to start because d3dx9_42.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
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  6. #6
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    If you are still having problems, either the dll issue or blank screens in character generation, try the following:

    - Exit out of any DDO Clients you may have open completely
    - Find the file 'UserPreferences.ini', normally in your 'Documents/Dungeons and Dragons Online' folder, and rename it to 'UserPreferences_U6.ini'
    - Try and access the game again.

    Please let me know if this corrects the issue for you.

  7. #7
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    If you are still having problems, either the dll issue or blank screens in character generation, try the following:

    - Exit out of any DDO Clients you may have open completely
    - Find the file 'UserPreferences.ini', normally in your 'Documents/Dungeons and Dragons Online' folder, and rename it to 'UserPreferences_U6.ini'
    - Try and access the game again.

    Please let me know if this corrects the issue for you.
    Nope, sorry it didn't work for me. I'm still getting the black screens at the character selection step, and can't actually get into the game.

  8. #8
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DANTEIL View Post
    Nope, sorry it didn't work for me. I'm still getting the black screens at the character selection step, and can't actually get into the game.
    I received a similar response from someone else via PM. We are looking into it.

  9. #9
    Community Member devilfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    I received a similar response from someone else via PM. We are looking into it.
    Please let us know what you find out, I'm having the exact same problem.
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  10. #10
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    I'm using windows XP SP3, fully patched (play other current games).

    I downloaded the client and ran it. Since I forgot to transfer my toons I created a new toon and jumped in Korthos (working) to ensure everything worked. I then closed client, transferred then reopened client. When I opened up the client it downloaded DirectX 9. Only downside on this is that there it no status bar to give you an idea how long, etc it would take.

    I left the PC on overnight and in the morning everything worked.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Ranmaru2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DANTEIL View Post
    Nope, sorry it didn't work for me. I'm still getting the black screens at the character selection step, and can't actually get into the game.
    Are you sure your video card isn't overheating or are you able to close the program?
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Huxley
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  12. #12
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    If you are getting the black screens in character selection, please send me some information about your hardware. You can do this by PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranmaru2 View Post
    Are you sure your video card isn't overheating or are you able to close the program?
    Hrm how do you tell if your video card is overheating?

    And yes, I am able to close the program. I can see all of the dialogue boxes at character selection (the character list, etc.; the 'exit' menu) It's just that the actual background (where your character is supposed to appear on that pedestal) is all black.

    EDIT: just saw Thoon's request. I'll PM when I get home later today.

  14. #14
    Community Member Ranmaru2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DANTEIL View Post
    Hrm how do you tell if your video card is overheating?

    And yes, I am able to close the program. I can see all of the dialogue boxes at character selection (the character list, etc.; the 'exit' menu) It's just that the actual background (where your character is supposed to appear on that pedestal) is all black.

    EDIT: just saw Thoon's request. I'll PM when I get home later today.
    Ah ok. It's not a video card overheat then. If your card overheated, your entire computer would black screen and eventually lock up.

    Try updating your video drivers if you haven't already and then try again would be my recommendation, but first send Thoon the info he needs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Huxley
    There is no greater mistake than the hasty conclusion that opinions are worthless because they are badly argued
    Turbine, you can hire more developers for the game. We operate on a giant Theocracy of Debt, so go all out finding developers for the best MMO out there

  15. #15
    Community Member quityourjobs's Avatar
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    1. Running Win 7. I was experiencing the d3dx9_42.dll issue.

    2. Renamed 'UserPreferences.ini' to 'UserPreferences_U6.ini', as suggested above, no solution.

    3. Started the Lamannnia launcher in compatibility mode for Win XP SP3, game launches and runs without error.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by quityourjobs View Post
    1. Running Win 7. I was experiencing the d3dx9_42.dll issue.

    2. Renamed 'UserPreferences.ini' to 'UserPreferences_U6.ini', as suggested above, no solution.

    3. Started the Lamannnia launcher in compatibility mode for Win XP SP3, game launches and runs without error.
    My husband also experienced the d3dx9_42.dll error on his Windows 7 computer, and I had it on my WinXP computer. I just updated Direct X 9 from Microsoft's website. About 10 mins.

    Uninstalled, reinstalled. Works fine now.

  17. 09-25-2010, 01:47 PM

    found appropriate thread

  18. #17
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Any further information on these Lamannia access problems? I was hoping to check it out this weekend, but so far still cannot do so. I'm wondering if I should completely uninstall the Lamannia client and do a fresh install.

  19. #18
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Okay an update and a request for some help/information.

    I did finally decide to do a complete uninstall/fresh install of the Lamannia client. It took overnight and most of this morning to complete, but it was finally done. And I logged in.. and...

    I'm in the exact same situation as before. I can log into the Character Selection screen, but aside from the selection buttons and boxes, everything else in the background is completely black.


    So I took a look at the "Options" under Graphics, and I noticed that on "Graphics Hardware Level" I only have DirectX9 and DirectX10 as options, even though my dxdiag on my computer assures me that I have DirectX11. Plus, when I go to "Adv Graphics" on the Options menu, things like "DX11 Interactive Water" are grayed out.

    Obviously, the inference is that the DX11 settings on my computer aren't being detected by the DDO client. I've run the various DirectX update links posted previously in the forums, so as far as I know everything is up to date. So my question is -- how can I tell where there is some problem with my DirectX setup which might be causing the problems?


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