Now i've only got a level 13 wizard to test these and can only get to level 7 spells, but this is pretty cool.
Ranger Summon Ally Spells did NOT recieve a new menu of choices.
TESTING PROCEDURE: Jump into redwillows normal, summon screenshot monster with examine and invis self. Move forward into first hobgoblin/bugbear encounter, then southeast to the scorpion encounter and then the trolls. Take notes on spells and combat behavior and damage potential. Note anything interesting or useful.
NOTE: Redwillows was chosen because it has a variety of mobs including casters and melee, low ac and high ac, poison, regenerating enemies, high damage and low damage mobs, and decent numbers relatively close to the entrance.
ALTERNATE TESTING PROCEDURE: For lower level summons the waterworks explorer may be the easy tester here, same method different area.
For the higher cr summons a trip around the vale for slayers can work well as the transition between lamannia spiders/scorpions and the fiendish trolls / earth elementals near meridia have what you're looking for as well.