*Edited for accuracy. Nothing else to see, move along....
That's how it works currently.
Maybe they mean the UP TO TWO part. (probably not, after I re-read the OP)
the confusion comes from what should be called "true centered" and the now aptly named "defensively centered"
true centered meaning only monk weapons, unencumbered & unarmored
defensively centered no armor & unencumbered , where if you use non monk weapons you still get the wisdom bonus.
sad to see that they didn't fix the whole wisdom bonus with non monk weapons thing and decided it was OK and made it officially legit.
exploiter/monk ac splashes rejoice.
Move along , Nothing to see here
Quite frankly, the wisdom bonus to ac for multi-class splash toons is not a big deal. My main is a monk splashed ranger and I rarely ever even rely on my ac anymore. Sure, geared up, it's easy to march through much of the content in the game, but once you hit end-game (epic) the wisdom bonus to ac isn't even relevant. I find myself using power attack so often these days that I'm starting to see some signs of cob webs forming on my CE button. Besides, this is working as intended even in pnp rules, so I see no reason why they'd have to change it.
Any monks that feel a 1 level splash toon is taking away from their class needs to reconsider how they're playing their toon. Monks have quite a bit more going for them than that wisdom bonus to ac. At level 20 a monk is immune to disease and poison, has SR 30, has improved evasion and naturally high saves, 2d10 base fist damage, DR 10/epic, healing amp, and the ability to stun anything in sight. Even listing all those bonuses I haven't even mentioned the various light/dark finishers and abilities. While some of the finishers are not amazing they do make leveling and other things much easier. For instance, using the fire/light/fire finisher lowers the need for heroism pots for a monk or buffs up a party member's skills when needed. Likewise, the void, dark, void finisher for a dark monk allows for some cc by charming mobs. The ability to apply your wisdom score to ac is really one of the weaker abilities of the monk class and it doesn't really need to be nerfed at all.
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