I just squished some tasty hams into tasty ham oil in the Stone of Change and I got to thinking on the lack of decent docents for WF characters. Would an eldritch ritual to convert armor into docents interest anyone?
I just squished some tasty hams into tasty ham oil in the Stone of Change and I got to thinking on the lack of decent docents for WF characters. Would an eldritch ritual to convert armor into docents interest anyone?
As long as you can do it the other way as well
I'd love to have a robe of quickening or a robe of defiance!
It sounds like it would be a little overpowered if any armor could be turned into a docent, as there are no tiers (cloth, light, medium, heavy) for docents and such a change would provide warforged with access to all levels of armor, no matter what their class.
A named item such as a "hollow docent" which could be crafted (a.k.a. filled) with a robe or outfit, however, may be an interesting concept. There is a lack of good named docents - everyone seems to wear the blademark's docent for quite a while - and this would at least add a few more options.
Well I was figuring it would just transfer over any enhancement and abilities; for example, +3 light armor or +3 heavy armor would become the same +3 docent. Is there a noticable difference in the abilities present on armor depending on the type?
Some sort of armor conversion would be awesome.
Especially for those who will TR to half-orc, and don't want to loose the 100's of hours invested into Dragontouched, and Red Dragon Scale Docents.
Check out my: My Index of Builds / My Capped Characters on Khyber: Krythan II / Velkro Sorcerer / Krythen 13/6/1 Rogue
Need Some XP? / AFK for a bit: School. / See WF Body Feat Appearances
Almost anything you can get on randomly-generated armor you can already get on a docent. Sure, there are some exceptions, like adamantine or mithril, but that's because they're warforged body feats.
However, if named items of any type could be used, then this would effectively allow the transformation of a named heavy armor, such as the Full Plate of the Defender, into an item usable by a warforged wizard, who would only have composite plating. The separation of armor level (composite/mithril/adamantine) from docents makes it unfeasible to allow any armor to be a docent.
It really isn't comparable though since the Wizard isn't going to have adamantine body feat. Right away, a 'Docent of the Defender' would lose the 9 AC from the full plate. It would give +5 AC, Heavy Fortification and Protection +4(that wouldn't stack with any other such item). That isn't exactly game breaking for a wizard.
I didn't think that was biologically possible.
Back on subject though....
I like this idea of creating a +4 acid guard docent of water breathing from a suit of +4 acid guard <armor> of water breathing. It's not game breaking and it allows me to make use of all the armor I get from the chests that I can't use on my main. I've seen some good combianations of abilities that I'd like to have from time to time on other guys or in certain situations. It's also open up the docent slot to serving as a greater elemental resistance slot and I could keep my prot 5 cloak on.
Not many higher level characters will make use of this, because of named gear that drops, but it's certainly something nice that everyone could use on lower level characters or FTPers could use.
Another addition to this would be to use different collectables to add different colors or aesthetic effects to armors/docents. Face it, some of the turn ins are just horrible wastes of backpack space, this would give value to some of them and possibly stop EVERYONE from looking exactly alike in their crafted armors! Of course, I wouldn't allow certain armors to be affected in this way like Reddragon Scale, Elocator Habilment(sp) and stuff that is supposed to or should be a certain color. These changes could add additional sources of income for lowbies and allow SOME sort of customization to characters beyond the preset features at creation.