So.. A lot of rogue builds are leaping with joy, and i understand their happiness (i personally fight for fort bypass anyway i can on a precision based DPS class). This is a huge Damage booster
Opportunist now not only adds 3% doublestrike, but also a 10% fortification bypass... (possibly stacking up to 4 times)
This is a rogue only feat and would replace current rogue feats like crippling strike, imp evasion etc..
The problem lies in that Repeater rogues are left out in the cold..
As a MECH rogue your only upgrade is adding 2 or 4 spell save DC on spell based traps (you remember how good those traps are right?)
Oh and on the plus side the bug since repeaters first got installed in DDO where attack animations (but no attack) happened may also have been fixed.
The Opportunist feat is ONLY for MELEE attacks, (i still have trouble understanding why)
Can anyone (preferably a DEV) explain why they keep sliding Melee DPS up and encouraging the STR CON builds of rogue, while leaving ranged builds so far behind? Surely opportunist could have worked for both melee and ranged.