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  1. #41
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    Ah well as is it seems they're mainly useful to get martial proficiency on classes without needing a splash or allow wand usage without umd.
    The latter could be rather usefull if they had the dragonmark of finding which seems to give a lot of wands at least on lower levels.

    Still wondering can a bard dilletante raise perform by 1 or .5 points per level?

  2. #42
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Can anyone tell me what enhancements specifically Half-Elves are getting?

    I'm having to redownload Lamania, so I can't check right now.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    Eladrin mentioned that sometime in the future Half-Elves may get lines to improve upon their Delitante feats. These lines will probably have a huge impact on how this race turns out in the long run.

    But, I also hoped for more.
    As a customer I'd rather half-elf be delayed until U8 (or later) when it's *complete* instead of cramming a half-finished effort into U7's scope to kick it out the door. Turbine project management really dropped the ball. Half-elf is completely eclipsed by half-orc. They would have gotten much more marketing mileage out of half-elf if it was in a separate update, and complete.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  4. #44
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    As a customer I'd rather half-elf be delayed until U8 (or later) when it's *complete* instead of cramming a half-finished effort into U7's scope to kick it out the door. Turbine project management really dropped the ball. Half-elf is completely eclipsed by half-orc. They would have gotten much more marketing mileage out of half-elf if it was in a separate update, and complete.

    Finally got my launcher to work last night and checked out the race.

    The Elven DEX line (fine, but not great), the Human Adaptability line (better), Arcane Archer PrE (...what? Why do they get this with no Bow damage enhancements to make it worthwhile?), 2/3 of the healing amp line (ok, not game-breaking or anything), Toughness up to 3 (just like Human).

    I didn't notice any damage or attack lines for any weapons like Elves get (though I guess that's sort of a good thing in some ways).

    The Half-Elf extra buttons for Diplo, Intim and Bluff are pretty much useless.

    Most of the bonus feats are junk. The Fighter one could be nice on a STR-based non martial class (say Clerics for Greataxe), but the Barbarian one is a waste of a feat. They really need some reworking.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    half elves suck in pnp, why should they be differant here?
    Your mother was a kobold!!!!
    (I happen to like 1/2 elves) :P

  6. #46
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    if the cleric/fvs dilettant feat lets any class use raise scrolls it would be logical it also worked on heal scrolls when the character get 2 lvls more.
    be intresting if the cleric diletant could use raise and heal scrolls 1 lvl sooner then the fvs one.

    think a feat lets u get heal scrolls is a powerful boost, not seen a develpoer say they get access to heal scrolls

  7. #47
    Community Member Yeric's Avatar
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    I last played D&D pnp when it was called "Advanced" D&D. And to tell the truth there wasn't a whole lot of difference between any race back then. What the heck happened to Half Elves in 3 and 3.5? Fernando at pax said Half Elves would have a little extra to make them interesting. These guys are coming out of the box already nerfed. Instead of TR'ing to a Half Elf, now I'm thinking of TR'ing to a hireling. They have had a lot of positive work done to them.

    I am not sure the half elf is ready. Or maybe the devs haven't spent enough time explaining things. They have been very vocal of late. So I am confused why no clarification.

    From day one the WF have had pork chops tied to their necks to get people to play with them. The Half orc, it seems got pork shoulders and platform shoes. (what are they? re-skinned Hezrou?) Half elves got pastel colors and a sweater thrown over their shoulders and tied in the front.

  8. #48
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    if the cleric/fvs dilettant feat lets any class use raise scrolls it would be logical it also worked on heal scrolls when the character get 2 lvls more.
    it allows a caster level check, which is as follows (from

    2. The spell appears on the character's spell list at a higher level than he can currently cast, and his overall character level meets the scroll's minimum level.

    This requires a check and may not succeed. The game rolls 1d20 and adds 2x the character's caster level. If the total is at least 2x the level at which he could cast the spell himself, the scroll works. This gives a 95% chance of success if the character is one level short, 85% for two levels, 75% for three, and so on. The scroll is destroyed whether it works or not.

    so, as a level 1 cleric (20 char lvl), you have a 25% chance to cast a raise dead scroll, but only a 5% chance for a heal scroll

  9. #49
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    Just tried a bard dilletante and it didn't even leave the starter ship.

    Perform isn't on the list of skills so instead of a very high dc crowd control ability you get 1d20+cha mod which isn't even really useful at low levels.

  10. #50
    Community Member Tumarek's Avatar
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    Ah when all the "omg omg omg Half orks are so imba" *runs in circles* hype is over and people start building half elves i think there will be some earthshaking builds.

    I think there will be many great uses of the diletant feats that are not so obvious at the beginning... even the addiational use of social feats can be very usefull for intimi tanks.

    Too bad they look like they were inbred
    Last edited by Tumarek; 09-25-2010 at 08:21 AM.

  11. #51
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tumarek View Post
    Ah when all the "omg omg omg Half orks are so imba" *runs in circles* hype is over and people start building half elves i think there will be some earthshaking builds.

    I think there will be many great uses of the diletant feats that are not so obvious at the beginning... even the addiational use of social feats can be very usefull for intimi tanks.

    Too bad they look like they were inbred
    In the choice between CSW wands and 25% chance of raise scrolling, or more damage and just UMDing, I'll take the more damage and just UMDing.

    If there was any way to raise the CL of a diletante through enhancements, it might be worthwhile, but I doubt it.

  12. #52
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    half elves suck in pnp, why should they be differant here?
    anyone wanna speak up why he gave me a negative rep for this?

    really curious
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    But you underestimate my ability to be horribly underpowered for long periods of time for the sake of an emotional attachment to an idea.
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  14. #54
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tumarek View Post
    Ah when all the "omg omg omg Half orks are so imba" *runs in circles* hype is over and people start building half elves i think there will be some earthshaking builds.

    I think there will be many great uses of the diletant feats that are not so obvious at the beginning... even the addiational use of social feats can be very usefull for intimi tanks.

    Too bad they look like they were inbred
    Until Half-Elves get lines to improve their bonus feats, they're not really good at all. They strictly worse than Humans in pretty much everything, and behind regular Elves in a lot of things too (and Elves were pretty bad to start...)

  15. #55
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    I can deal with the incomplete mechanics, it's the appearance I'm appauld about. I hope they will change it before live.

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  16. #56
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Working on a HE Archmage right now with DM, mainly to test call lightning storm and Archmage. Real build wouldn't take the dm. Took paladin for +2 saves and healing wands. Went 18int/16con/14cha 32 pointer. 36 would be 18int/18con/12cha.

    Gain HV, adaptability(Con and Int), toughness III, and tier II recovery which is all I would want anyway.

    Lose 1 skill per level, as a Wizard have plenty.
    Lose 1 feat, would be an extra spell focus not dire.
    Gain Paladin wand access untill umd items are obtained and +2 to saves.
    Gain secondary diplomacy button since I won't have full ranks anyway.
    Gain access to Human and Elf restricted items.

    I don't think people have took time to really get into them, due to the wow factor of Halforcs at the moment. They are not that bad. Once the enhancements get added, I could see them being good for many builds.

  17. #57
    Community Member OverlordOfRats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyfiel View Post
    Working on a HE Archmage right now with DM, mainly to test call lightning storm and Archmage. Real build wouldn't take the dm. Took paladin for +2 saves and healing wands. Went 18int/16con/14cha 32 pointer. 36 would be 18int/18con/12cha.
    Don't forget to boost the CHA up to 13 or you won't be able to take the paladin Dilettante feat.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    i've currently got a monk7/fighter12/wizard 1 dragonmarked elf im levelling... good dps, displacement for survivability, wizzy wand use... about the only thing she's lacking is the ability to use healing wands, so i have to rely on the healing meditation & potions when soloing, maybe pack a pocket hireling.

    my question is, do half elves get access to the elven dragonmark of shadow? if so, would that mean i could TR as a half-elf, take cleric dilantette & basically have umd-free access to just about every single wand available in addition to all the other benefits the current character also has?
    No they dont get acccess to the elf dragonmark of shadow as they arent elves if they got access to that then they should also get access to the human dragonmarks I mean where would it stop? they get the mark of storm.

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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vazok1 View Post
    could anyone confirm if half-elfs get the +1 to skill points per level that humans get? i couldnt find any referance to it anywhere else
    I dont think they should that a human feature isnt it.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #60
    Community Member OverlordOfRats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vazok1 View Post
    could anyone confirm if half-elfs get the +1 to skill points per level that humans get? i couldnt find any referance to it anywhere else
    They do not get the +1 skill boost.

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