could anyone confirm if half-elfs get the +1 to skill points per level that humans get? i couldnt find any referance to it anywhere else
could anyone confirm if half-elfs get the +1 to skill points per level that humans get? i couldnt find any referance to it anywhere else
I sincerely doubt they do. There needs to be a reason to choose Human as a race, and if Half-Elf comes with all of the Human perks and then some, it would make Human completely redundant.
As for the Dilettante feats, also keep in mind they're FREE. Nothing lost, nothing gained, really. If it gets you a free bonus, then great. If not, no biggie.
Personally, I see a few of them as being quite powerful already. A half-elf Warchanter, for example, could be Dil : Fighter and have full martial weapon use without needing to splash a martial class or wait for Warchanter II PrE. That's pretty nice.
Just my 2cp.
New non twinked wizard... Take cleric/FvS Dilettante -> you will be able to wand whip self health. You will get -1 to UMD for Heal scrolls -> quite usefull.
If they have elfves enchantments (i don't know) you will get Elven arcanum! for more SP without terribad -2 elven Condition.
No half elves do not get the +1 skill points. I think I'm going to re-roll my cleric for half elf as I can take the fighter dilettante and get all martial weapons. Other than that kinda meh about them right now. Once more enhancements are added might be more interesting. All stats start at 8 so nothing special on the stats front.
from release note:
You are able to use wands and scrolls as if you were a level one cleric, and for item use purposes you count as a level one cleric in addition to any other classes you possess.
That mean it counts as 1 level cleric who could UMD heal scroll with 5% bonus, because this scroll is fro this class usage.
HE is propably still not finished. Keep in mind that this race was anounced rather late.
in all my ddo time i've not come across this info before, does this mean that with 1 level of cleric thingy i get +5% to my chance to activate a heal scroll? and i assume 2 levels of clreic delithingy would give +10%? (they said something about a possibility of increasing the levels via enhancements)
Last edited by Vazok1; 09-23-2010 at 10:01 AM.
It's actually -1 spell penetration to beat spell resistance. DC is based off spell level and casting attribute while spell pen is based on the caster level.
OT - I see HEs as written now as being focused towards soloing or well rounded characters, not as much for powergamers (like Half Orc)
Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
Member of D.W.A.T.
This race on Rogue is a good thing sure less DPS output than a halfing , but Free scimy's screams forget Khopesh feat and add the TRII ability and PA.
has anyone found out whether or not the fighter diletant feat counts towards say... whirling steel strike or anything else the requires a martial weapon proficiency to qualify for a feat?
half elves suck in pnp, why should they be differant here?![]()
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
I'm planning on making a half elf sorcerer with 18 con and 18 cha, grabbing the favored soul feat.
The wand & scroll usage goes up with character level so later on he will be able to use raise dead scrolls without a UMD check.
This is what Im thinking the future enhancements might be like (at least this would make it more appealing for me to TR into on a few toons)...
Barb: +1 DR per enhancement level
Rogue: +1 SA dmg per enhancement level
Monk: +1 AC per enhancement level (assuming scaling minimum Wis requirement)
Bard: (no idea)
FVS/Cleric: +2 Caster level check per enhancement (assuming scaling min Cha/Wis requirement)
Sorc/Wiz: +2 Caster level check per enhancement (assuming scaling min Cha/Int requirement)
Rgr/Ftr: +1 to-hit per enhancement level
To me, that would make it an interesting choice vs the free feat/skills of a Human. Elves/Drow are hurting so bad right now Im struggling with reasons to use them already anyways (just my opinion of course, not trying to insult anyone's current Elf/Drow choice). I'd like to see Elf/Drow weapon specific damage enhancements get a nice boost and the Elf mana enhancements bumped up to make them more of a choice.
~PESTILENCE~Looting's our business and business is good.Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor
~PESTILENCE~Looting's our business and business is good.Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor
Did some research and found Eladrin stated:
"The Cleric Dilettante can use a Raise Dead scroll with a caster level check"
So I was incorrect in my statement.![]()
I'd like to see the Elf Attack/Range Melee and Damage I & II added for Half-Elf's.
I'll be honest, I think that once they have the additional enhancements for dilettante they will be about where I would expect they be as far as power.