I have got many bards. I love 'em, all of them. The 18 / 2, 16 / 2 / 2, 15 / 3 / 2 with a barb splash, and the pure variants. But now here's something new. I welcome you to the new reincarnation of my 18 / 2 Bard!
* Evasion
* Good HP
* Can be healed by both Arcane and Divine
* Healer Friendly
* Kensai I
I choose to level him mixed which has several advantages and disadvantages during level. At first he gets level two spells rather early, including rage and blur, get's the song and several bard enhancements early. A downside is that he gets displacement and haste rather late. Although the goal was to get the 5/- from WC 1 rather early as it aids a lot during leveling. I chose Warforged to get 125% fort to utilise the WC II song, and to gain immunities and the ability to be healed using arcane spells. Two Weapon fighting was a no brainer as my previous bard already has two Mineral II khopeshes, and is currently working on her Lightnings II.
2 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 12 Bard
True Neutral, Warforged
34 pt. Past Life: Bard
STR: 18 +2 Fighter +5 Level +2 Rage +2 Tome +3 Exceptional +6 Item = 38
DEX: 15 +1 Rogue +6 Item + 2 Tome = 24
CON: 16 +2 Tome +2 WF +6 Item +2 Rage = 28
INT: 8 +2 Tome = 10
WIS: 8 +2 Tome = 10
CHA: 8 +2 Tome +6 Item = 16
On a 32pt I would drop wisdom by 2.
Level Progression:
1: Rogue: 2WF
2: Bard
3: Fighter: Weapon Focus: Slash, Power Attack
4: Bard
5: Bard
6: Bard: Toughness
7: Fighter: Khopesh
8: Bard
9: Bard: Extend Spell
10: Rogue
11: Fighter
12: Fighter: IC: Slash, I2WF
13: Bard
14: Bard
15: Fighter: G2WF
16: Bard
17: Fighter: WS: Slash
18: Bard: O2WF
19: Bard
20: Bard
One may also level him like classic 2 / 6 / 12 Splits and start with 2 rogue, then 6 fighter and the go all bard. But I prefer to even out the skills every few levels and to have the advantages of being a bard (beneficial spells like blur, rage, expeditious retreat, invisibility; and songs) earlier throughout the leveling process.
Important Enhancements:
Fighter Kensai I
Fighter Khopesh Mastery I
Fighter Haste Boost II
Fighter Strength II
Fighter Toughness II
Warforged Constitution II
Warforged Toughness IV
Bard Inspire Damage III
Bard Inspire Attack II
Warchanter II
Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Sneak Attack Training I
Warforged PA III
Healers Friend II
At the beginning take the bard charisma enhancements if you do not have the gear available to twink him enough to cast spells. Respec them later.
F / R / W
4 / 8 / 8 Bard
0 / 3 / 0 Rogue
5 / 2 / 2 Fighter
4 / 4 / 4 GH
9 / 7 / 0 Stat
5 / 5 / 5 Resistance
1 / 1 / 1 Alchemic Ritual
28 Fort
30 Reflex
20 Will
.. 20 Base
+ 60 Fighter
+ 12 Rogue
+ 72 Bard
+ 180 Constitution
+ 22 Toughness
+ 20 Minos
+ 40 Racial Toughness
+ 20 Fighter Toughness
+ 45 Shroud
+ 10 Draconic
+ 30 GFL
= 531 Standing
Critics/Comments please.