To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
I agree with you on this, don't get me wrong. But the ToD from the start was a bandaid for this problem, and it WAS a mistake to do this(IMO it was for them, just a 'easyfix' they did rather than give the Darkside more meat. Bring THAT side of the argument to them, not a 'don't take away my one only thing I can do' complaint.
Truth be told, the whole problem lies right there. The dev's did the easy thing, with no(or very, very little) thought into what they did. But for the last year, EVERYTHING they do seems to fall into that area. Toss out new stuff in the DDO store is about all they focused on.
Look at the ToD sets, as an example. See what sets 'every' melee is going for, then look at 'all' the melee based sets. Its an inbalance. A 'lets do something cool' moment then 'ah just toss x and y on those and wrap it up boys, lets go drinkin' on the rest.
My main concern is whether or not I'll still be able to land it on elite bosses with insane health and saves. I mean, I'll land a triple ToD and the health bar will barely shift. If I have to pass a save as well that is gonna suck. I probably won't be able to knock its DC past mid-thirties. At the moment, the only instance where it is ever overpowered is when you first get it, at level nine. Maybe up it to level 15 or so, but that is honestly the only fix really needed. At level 15, everything has over 500 health. And on elite, sometimes a double or triple ToD won't even kill a trash mob.
The funny thing that everyone seems to be forgeting is that ToD would have been a non issue not needing any "fix" if turbine hadn't added the ******** double strike in the first place.
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WOW talk about blowing out of proportion....
They are releasing more content, 2 new races, fixing some other bugs for a whole lot of people. However, the change to ToD over shadows all of that work.
That could be considered pretty arrogant to think all this work hinged on your disapproval of dark monks and the change to ToD.