Need 3 scales to finish my axe. paying 400k each.
send tell to Leuslse or Mequa in game, or PM here
Need 3 scales to finish my axe. paying 400k each.
send tell to Leuslse or Mequa in game, or PM here
Last edited by roryk27; 09-22-2010 at 04:26 PM.
I have 1 scale i can sell to you, you literally logged off 2 seconds before i could send you a tell clicked on your name in the Who list, typed my messege, and before i presed enter you logged lol
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
I've got at least one scale. Pretty sure I have both you need. Just let me know when you're on (I can be on most anytime weekdays US Eastern) and we'll connect up to trade. Also, I'm usually on Elrohiir or Gwyar.
I'm usually on during the day or evenings. Some late nights as well.
Got all I needed. Thanks.