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  1. #1
    Community Member Arysta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Small Guild Renoun?

    Does anyone know how many unique accounts makes a "small" guild? Some of my members are wanting me to boot the unactive members (ones that haven't logged in in a month or more), in order for us to get the small guild bonus again. On the one hand, the bonus is nice, but on the other, I don't want to just boot people who may intend on coming back.

    Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I think it scales between 6 accounts and 25 accounts.

    However, there is currently a bug that causes accounts to not be correctly (increasing the total number) counted if all ACTIVE members of your guild haven't logged into the game with all of their characters that are in your guild.

    The short term fix for this is to get everyone who is active in your guild to log in all of thier characters at least once.

    This bug was introduced when they tried to add some code to ignore inactive accounts in the guild size determination for small guild renown.

    I believe they have also stated that this will be fixed permenantly as of U7...

    So, no need to boot old members, just make sure the ones who are active log in all thier characters and you should be fine. Otherwise, wait till U7 before you start booting old players.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Here's a nice article about the guild renown:

    25 unique account and lower will get the small guild bonus.
    The bonus have nothing to do with those account are active or not. (There are bugs mentioned from the post above though...)

    Look at the bonus chart from the article in the wiki, and think twice for your action. That's my only suggestion.

  4. #4
    Community Member Arysta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thank you both so much for the help!

    We have 16 actual members - the rest are all alts, so we're definately under the 25 unique member cap. I did post on our message of the day with the fact that the renoun system is messed up and for everyone to login their alts - hopefully that'll work. If not, hopefully it'll be fixed after the update.

    Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...

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