Please consider adding all varieties of Ioun Stones to Inspired Quarter chests and Isle of Forgotten Dreams chests. A drop rate better than or equal to the Eardweller would be fine.
Thank you.
Please consider adding all varieties of Ioun Stones to Inspired Quarter chests and Isle of Forgotten Dreams chests. A drop rate better than or equal to the Eardweller would be fine.
Thank you.
Lost Legions - Sarlona: Bottles, Brewin, Kungfu, Madlute, Devilride, Phalemaster, Warmageddon, Scimitard, Bladebarian
Still haven't found any, huh Fu?
I like this idea. Would give me a concrete place to farm these from.
I like this suggestion. +1
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
Maybe better to add them to quests that don't have named loot yet: spread the love.
But I imagine the devs are happy with them as a rare universal thing with high trade value.
/not signed because ioun stones are cheap.
Make something that absorbs Slayer Arrows and we'll talk.
Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker
(how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)
If it makes any difference, I don't care for them in PvP, because I suck at it and am therefor bad at life... But I do quite enjoy them for the rest of the game and would like some way to increase our chances of acquiring them without grinding low level stuff mindlessly.
It doesn't have to be stellar but at least a small chance for them dropping elsewhere would be enough incentive for some people to run certain quests for more than just fruit loops and pie.
Low level quests with random drop rates for these are not appealing to me as the only farming option. I still believe adding them specifically to IQ and the IoFD quests would be a good thematic addition to those chains.
Lost Legions - Sarlona: Bottles, Brewin, Kungfu, Madlute, Devilride, Phalemaster, Warmageddon, Scimitard, Bladebarian
This would be nice.
Have a chance for them to drop in the Inspired Quarter quests. Maybe not the Dreaming Dark quests, but IQ quests. Possibly a slightly higher drop rate inside the Mindsunder Special Chest.
A better suggestion is to make a full quest chain incorporating them into a storyline.
I'm always a fan of new quests that actually have a compelling story!
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
You just don't give up, do you?
Has anyone -ever- agree'd with your childish and ill conceived attempts to "balance" the game for pvp?
(By which I mean any small chance that you won't be able to auto-win against every class/build)
I thought not....
As people have suggested, learn to adapt your tactics. Don't just cry wolf that "X" needs to be nerfed because you are too stubborn/lazy to listen to peoples advice/formulate some new tactics besides -stun/dance and nuke-
<on topic>
I wouldn't be opposed to the stones being a bit more attainable from game content that actually makes you work a bit and not just farm low quests with 0 risk and 0 reward, other than a fleeting chance the stone you are after drops/show up on the end list. IQ/DD make's sense since you'll be headin to that area to unlock them/farm essence anyway.
Last edited by LB-426; 09-25-2010 at 01:04 AM.
With Ioun Stones being visible come update 7, you would think this would be an appealing idea to devs as well. These stones are pretty darn rare as it is now.
The same 4 stones have been on our auction house for several weeks, and nobody seems to want them as they are not pale lavender or vibrant purple. Many posts have gone up in the various marketplaces with people looking for the lavender or purple variety, and it is really tough to find them.
Seems kind of silly to have spent any development time on them at all to add suppressed power and even animate them, and NOT make them slightly more available. The animation looks fantastic, it is kind of a shame they are so rare.
Lost Legions - Sarlona: Bottles, Brewin, Kungfu, Madlute, Devilride, Phalemaster, Warmageddon, Scimitard, Bladebarian
I would love to see ioun stones available as a drop in higher level quests; Inspired Quarter and Dreaming Dark seem to best fit these, thematically. Also, other areas where the Quori and ancient Dreaming Dark ruins would seem fitting places. The Restless Isles open area, Bring me the Head of Ghola Fan, Slavers of the Shrieking Mines, The Twilight Forge all seem like viable places to find these psionic items. Hazadil was importing/smuggling items from the Restless Isles and selling them to the Aurum, if I remember the story correctly from Hiding in Plain Sight, so HiPS and Foundation of Discord, or the aurum supply depot in gianthold, would be fun places to see these items pop up. Also, other places where you find agents of the Aurum, like the Vault of Night and Prison of the Planes.
I wouldn't want to see these great items becoming commonplace, but its a bit silly to see a 2 million platinum piece price tag on items you can only get in low level quests. The drops are currently totally random, as opposed to having a storyline as to why you may find iounes in specific places.
So... long story short: I agree. Also, maybe a few more new stones thrown into the mix in future updates. I am loving the current suppressed powers, to give more options to the trinket slot at high levels other than everyone using bloodstones, head of good fortune and arrowheads.
Last edited by Lost_Leader; 09-27-2010 at 03:06 AM.
Leader of Lost Legions
Prison of the Planes, too, maybe? I can see Ioun Stones being neat things to come from its end chest, considering its a Quori creature in a freaky quest.
Since my suggestion is sort of tied up with the Ioun Stone visibility change. Would it be inappropriate to cross-post this suggestion on the Lamannia Discussion forums?
Lost Legions - Sarlona: Bottles, Brewin, Kungfu, Madlute, Devilride, Phalemaster, Warmageddon, Scimitard, Bladebarian
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Lamma forums would not be the appropriate place, its fine where it is.
I still support this change being made to the game. I can get these items from Waterworks, but not the Dreaming Dark?