I would like to see an 'auto join' check box for group leaders. If a group leader has this box checked, this means that any character who meets the class and level restrictions for that group will be automatically accepted.

Players looking at the LFM board can see which groups have this box checked.

Leaders might have a 5-10 second period after someone joins that notifies them that a character has joined and gives them an opportunity to change the classes desired etc before the box becomes checked again (to prevent 2-3 characters of one class from joining at the same time)

People who just like to play the game need more tools at their disposal to distance themselves from the BS.

Take myself for example. I've been playing for 5 years. I prefer to take anyone who asks to join, and enjoy the mystery of having people of all different skill and knowledge levels. This adds challenge and variety, and personally, I really am not that concerned whether we complete the quest or not, and am more concerned whether the quest provided an exciting challenge. However, once I post for a group, others may join, and the group may begin to lean towards the other side of things, where the players feel that their 'time is valuable', and they don't want to 'waste resources', and they want the players 'screened' etc, and you basically get people from the other side of the spectrum. I have no problem with these players, however, if there was a little box checked that notified everyone who joined that it was an 'accept anyone' group, then these players would know from the start that anyone is going to be taken and the group is meant to take off quick etc. I know from experience that explaining this type of thing to people who don't understand other playstyles is extremely difficult and often leads to alot of wasted time for everyone.

I hope this will be seriously considered by the developers.