Anyone thirsty?
Ok Bacon Cake looks good for like breakfast or something. Bacon Chocolate cake...ugh just WRONG. I love bacon but will not let it sully my chocolate.
And Kirris I would have knocked Towrn to the ground, straddled his chest and then gently spoon fed him those noob points... but hey thats just me.![]()
Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others
The Most Gimpiest Bard Build Ever!
Before you start a bard, please read:
Diva's Bard Love Guide / Genghis Khan by LeslieWestGuitarGod / Rabidly Halfling by Madmatt70
Time for a Bacon weaved Fatty
1 or as many as you can eat jimmy deans sausage logs flatten out and then stuffed with anything you would like.
I stuff mine with scramble eggs, onion, cheese, ect.......
then roll up log and get a pound of bacon and make a bacon weave, once the weave is complete wrap it around the stuffed sausage log and then place on a BBQ smoker with some hickory wood and or any fruit wood. smoke for about 3 hours or until 165 inside, and then enjoy
I can eat one of those by myself. but will have to eat healthy for a month or so afterwards to even out the fat intake lol
Last edited by Theboz; 09-25-2010 at 07:45 PM.
Member of Mythical
One of the best things i've tried so far is something a coworker makes. It's more or less, a bit of fajita meat coupled with a bit of jalepeno - wrap in bacon and grill it up ~
We've also experimented with shrimp and venison in place of fajita and the results were excellent.
Now i've never tried this, but it's definitely on the list of things to do before I die (or get married, whichever comes first).
Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin
i remember a foot long hotdog that was stuffed with chocolate, wrapped in bacon and deep fried.
there was also a Twinky on a stick that was deep fried, coated with white chocolate and topped with whipped cream.
i also remember seeing doughnut burgers, deep-fried butter, a doughnut that was coated in chocolate then deep fried and put on a stick, and salad on a stick.
if i ever sell food at a fair i will probably make deep-fried salad on a stick.
Please try to remember THIS IS JUST A GAME!! So have FUN, LAUGH, and ENJOY YOURSELVES.I try to understand what others mean, NOT just what they say! Failing that I still try to keep an open mind about all things. And YES, everyone has the right to be wrong, ignorant, and just plain stupid, (this includes myself.) BUT that doesn't mean I have to like it.
You are here-by banned from any and all of my ridiculous and totally useless threads (i.e. all of them).
I shall contact you via PM when I get confirmation from the cube that all posts by you in any thread started by me will be deleted as soon as you post.
P.S - Of course I'm kidding (I'm not going to send a PM)
Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk
*Kirris steps back in thread*
*Kirris hands Towrn a few extra Noob points*
why? because its Towrn!and I can
*Kirris steps back out of thread* I the only one that thought:
"it's better to burn out, than to fade away"
I do not often read every post in a thread.
But this post is pure win.
Thank you.
PS I like my bacon dipped in Ranch. And I would like to take the recipes I've looked at and dip them all in ranch.
Thanks for your time.
Account was hacked. So none of the characters that were listed here can be trusted...not even me.
Gah...I can't trust myself now...
Hi! Welcome.
If your want to do it right put 2 Texas favorites together Chicken Fried Bacon
Midnight GuardiansMutulisk (25 Cleric) Mutaliskman (26 Ftr) Mutalisk (18 Fvs) Muttlley (8 cleric) Mutalina (5 ftr)