1 and 9 sure why not the rest NO THANKS for me I would be ticked if devs wasted their time on such I dont think more needs to be done for solo play or hirelings(kind of wish they weren't here period hirlelings that is)
Beware the Sleepeater
Well ok.
Save the 500tp you get every month for being a paid subscriber. After 1 year go FTP and spend your 6000 TP's on the adventure packs you play, and the races you like.
The mechanic is there... kinda.
I would LOVE if they put sleight of hand in the game... so my stealth rogue could steal gold, and collectibles, and quest items (keys) etc.
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
***Your Vip Account Has Been Cancelled***
"Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge
I also want a Harbor apartment with storage boxes and trophies on the wall and whatnot.
And a cat.
Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...
love the idea of horses (less than useful unless they add horseback combat and wilderness areas with HUGE maps though)
but rather than (initially at least) cosmetic things, i'd like to see more low lvl/soloable quests, smarter hirelings (that don't stand in harmful liquids (lava, acid, etc.)), monsters as classes, paragon classes (possibly gain ap/xp faster, improve on racial abilities, gain quintessential race abilities (drow levitate, etc.), expanded hireling icon bars for higher lvl spell-casting hirelings. I'm also hoping that the implemented crafting system that im hearing about recently includes magic crafting.
just adding my 2cp
I think it is more of A "feel good" thing, so someone can feel good about how much they are contributing to the guild. If you could see other peoples, renown tally Guild leaders and Officers could become very renown operative (not saying anyone here would) and decide that if a particular person does not earn X amount of Renown per Day/week/month they will be booted. It could be a very negative tool to be used by "power/level Hungry" guild Leaders, and unfair on some players, I like Madfloyd's idea of not letting others see your renown.
Last edited by Mrkita; 09-23-2010 at 02:16 AM.
The Most Inspirational and Motivational Thought you will Have today.......
Thelanis - Karvitch, Buffyourarse, Morehealz
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Thanks for the info MF.
Personally I think it would be nice to see everyone in your guild's. As an officer I wouldn't use it to penalize anyone. It would just be nice to recognize PlayerX for his great contributions, and if it caused a bit of friendly rivalry to try and be the top contributor it would be a good thing.
Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...
I'd like to see:
- New Bard Tunes (A cristmas tune would be nice, but it's asking too much, eh?)
- A christmas themed quest or raid event that could be run by lowbies and high levels alike.
- New hirelings classes;
- Some druidic quests, maybe related to update 7;
- That the DEVS fixed the FAVOR system, promoting rewards for 400 favor and maybe even higher favor with the factions.
- A Santa in the marketplace handling presents (maybe a 1d1000 chance on all items in the game, even greater hearts of wood)
Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.
If you can see your total then anyone can. It is called a screenshot.
Just wait for the guilds that ask you to give your weekly Renown Report (TM) on their own forums/websites etc. Or you will start seeing people brag about how much renown they have accumulated in the 'Achievements' thread.
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)