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  1. #1
    Community Member rabrams99's Avatar
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    Default Halfling vs Warforge

    Am I correct in stating that a str build halfling far outdamages a warforge even with the WF starting at 18 str and the half is at 16, and the WF have PA III? Because a WF gets +3 extra damage with PAIII but a halfling gets +12 damage while flanking?

  2. #2
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Yes, but also no under certain circumstances.

    The WF, with Power Attack (and enhancements) will be producing 8 more damage against anything. No need for flanking, and will work on things that are immune to backstab and with Heavy Fortification.

    The Halfling, with it's Flanking damage, will be producing 12 damage, but only on targets that are not immune to backstab or with Heavy Fortification. Only 4 damage difference.

    Most of the game, the Halfling will win out, but in certain circumstances, like Part 1 of the Shroud, the Halfling will be trailing in terms of damage by 8 damage per strike. Which will be quite a lot once you rack up the hits landed. But these circumstances are few, so... as said. Yes, but also no under certain circumstances.

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  3. #3
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    Assuming both have power attack (not an unreasonable assumption really), The WF will do 4 more damage from WF PA and +2 STR on every swing and the halfling will do 12 damage from the full halfing guile line (if you can fit it in). So, the halfling will do more damage up to 75% fortification. Of course WF also get the WF tactics line so their stunning blow DC will be 4 higher than a halfling's, and in elite endgame content and epic, that's quite a difference.

  4. #4
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    If they stick with Warchanter's new song lowering fortification for an additional % to double strike then Warchanters come ahead there in situations where the halfling couldn't afford to leave the song on due to the risk of crits being too dangerous. The WF'd could happily leave his on since he'll still be over 100% crit immune.

  5. #5
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    IIRC, the WF's Power Attack enhancements are added to the base damage before crit multipliers, while the guile is not.
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  6. #6
    Community Member rabrams99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    IIRC, the WF's Power Attack enhancements are added to the base damage before crit multipliers, while the guile is not.
    Oh really, so this is where you get the +8 damage then? PAIII yields +3 and str yields +1 and with the crit muliplier you get +8 right? So +8 is still lower than +12. Off the top of your head, what bosses does the flanking not work on? Also, I have been trying to work in the tactics and I am unable to get past +1 tactics so that does me no good.

  7. #7
    Community Member rabrams99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    IIRC, the WF's Power Attack enhancements are added to the base damage before crit multipliers, while the guile is not.
    how does this statement affect the damage compared to the SA +12 then?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabrams99 View Post
    Am I correct in stating that a str build halfling far outdamages a warforge even with the WF starting at 18 str and the half is at 16, and the WF have PA III? Because a WF gets +3 extra damage with PAIII but a halfling gets +12 damage while flanking?
    I thought guile gives +2 dmg per enhancement for a total of +8, not +12. What did I miss?

  9. #9
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imblo99 View Post
    I thought guile gives +2 dmg per enhancement for a total of +8, not +12. What did I miss?
    The DDOWiki lists them as +3 for each rank, while Ron's character planner shows them as +2 each. All of my halflings are locked down atm because I haven't unlocked more character slots, so I can't check in-game.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Duck View Post
    you can solo and get sneak attack damage using the Unbalancing Strike.
    Aggro really doesn't matter.
    Unbalancing strike uses a wisdom modifier. Yet another reason halflings make the best dex/wis builds, the synergy between unbalancing strike and halfling sneak attack bonus.
    Last edited by Jamma; 09-21-2010 at 02:06 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Talltale-Storyteller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamma View Post
    Unbalancing strike uses a wisdom modifier. Yet another reason halflings make the best dex/wis builds, the synergy between unbalancing strike and halfling sneak attack bonus.

    Wis mod is also used for SF. I should have clarified that my monk is a dex/wis build.

    The OP was asking about a STR based halfling monk.
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery
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    As people have said, warforged do +4 more base damage versus the halfling's +8 sneak damage. (with full ranks in both lines, and equal number of build points in STR)

    Now, let's look at that:
    WF PA enhancements cost MUCH less that the entire Guile line (6 AP versus 20 AP). Also, the base damage works on all mobs, and gets fully applied to the boss mobs that have 50% fort, for instance. So far, all is great for WF.

    On the other hand, the PA enhancements cost 3 to hit, which might be significant in some cases. And the sneak damage is +8 as opposed to +4 for the WF.

    Stunned mobs will be critted, so equal damage there.

    So, which is best? Personally, I like the WF way where the damage applies equally to all targets, but it is a matter of choice. I've seen great monks of both persuasions.

  13. #13
    Community Member Talltale-Storyteller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    As people have said, warforged do +4 more base damage versus the halfling's +8 sneak damage. (with full ranks in both lines, and equal number of build points in STR)

    Now, let's look at that:
    WF PA enhancements cost MUCH less that the entire Guile line (6 AP versus 20 AP). Also, the base damage works on all mobs, and gets fully applied to the boss mobs that have 50% fort, for instance. So far, all is great for WF.

    On the other hand, the PA enhancements cost 3 to hit, which might be significant in some cases. And the sneak damage is +8 as opposed to +4 for the WF.

    Stunned mobs will be critted, so equal damage there.

    So, which is best? Personally, I like the WF way where the damage applies equally to all targets, but it is a matter of choice. I've seen great monks of both persuasions.
    Well, and I know I play a HF, the WF can win out on crits, because of FOI and the Earth finisher. x3, x3, x3, x4.

    so +8, +8, +8, +8


    +12, +12, +12, +16

    but that is only on a held/stunned enemy.
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