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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    If there was a PD server, it wouldn't really be PD unless the server was coded to prevent people from running underlevel quests multiple times and farming slayers. Or at least that's my understanding of how PD works from witnessing forum flamewars.

  2. #22
    Community Member Talltale-Storyteller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZodacBKB View Post
    If there was a PD server, it wouldn't really be PD unless the server was coded to prevent people from running underlevel quests multiple times and farming slayers. Or at least that's my understanding of how PD works from witnessing forum flamewars.

    Grasshopper, you are wise in the ways of the DDO Forums.

    Member of The Sublime Permadeath Guild on Thelanis.

    Go Hard or Go Home!

  3. #23
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    It may also happen that players that have PD toons need not play them all the time.

    Perhaps PD is worth of some in-game feature to make the guild leader's tracking easier.

  4. #24
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    i would pay for a permadeath server and many player would do it...
    there are thousand of player that wants to play permadeath and doesen.t try a dedicated play or server.

  5. #25
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    I'd like to see an "Iron-Man" difficulty - in addition to traditional C/N/H/E: toggle all shrines off, allow slow recharging of HP/SP/Boosts out of combat, more or less what we get in public-instanced events, prevent chars from re-entering if they release mid-quest.
    Sprinkle in some randomness, so scouting becomes valuable again.

    The point is rewarding ALL styles of play.
    * Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *

  6. #26
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    I suspect there would be an argument(read as forum discussion) to begin with as to the baseline rules for the server.

    Then each new guild would make their own rules as to the severity that they limited themselves in using each game element.
    AH, Shrine usage, broker usage or just selling at the Inns not to mention all the many other variances in guild rules.

    If upon death you ended back up at the Character creation screen it would kill the heirloom rule used by several guilds.

    I suspect the same thing could be accomplished by just having all the PD Guilds agreeing to move over to one of the currently existing servers.

    One interesting thing that could happen is guilds with similar rules might be able to play with members of other guilds thus increasing the number of players being available for a wider range of content.

    I may be wrong but I do not see it happening.
    Last edited by Sir_Noob; 03-23-2011 at 08:18 PM.
    After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.

  7. #27
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    I would Just Love to see a server that had no ressurection shrines...keep the rest shrines...and that also enforced the level caps for quests, meaning that you can't run a quest if you are above the level of the quest...for instance if its a lvl 2 quest and a Toon is level 3 then he must enter it on hard difficulty (thus increasing the quest to lvl 3) to enter. and having no ressurection shrines to fall back on would definitely make it more challenging. and even though one wouldn't be forced to delete the toon, the time spent attempting the failed quest at least would put some sort of penalty for dying...I would totally play on a server like that

  8. #28
    Community Member TheLallian's Avatar
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    I think the easiest way to implement perma-death would be on character creation rather than dedicating a server to it.

    So instead of TR wings next to your name, you would have the skull and crossbones to show your PD status. Your in-game activities could either require or exclude PD players as per whatever rule set is established (for example you may not be able to trade window between PD and non-PD, or join parties of the other type, etc.)

    A separate but major issue is that the game is online and as such is subject to lag and disconnects. If this leads to a death for a PD player then it would be difficult for DDO to manage.

    My 2 cents.
    Thelallian of Khyber

  9. #29
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Just based on my own experiences over the years... I think the opposite is true, with powergamers significantly outnumber the RPs and PDs combined.

    As an aside: another reason why I think this is unlikely to happen is the Store. Most folks, powergamers included, will buy connivance items from the Store from time to time. I've noticed a lot of RP and PD guilds have rules against using the Store for much more then buying content packs. So, from a get-money perspective, an RP and PD server would be a money sink for Turbine.
    This just lacks imagination. Many conveniences that are currently in the store could exist on a PD/RP server and many more items could be introduced.

    Memnir's point about lack of population is the main issue I think. The way to overcome this I believe is to create only 1 custom rules server and get as many different alternative playstyles under one umbrella as possible. My idea was to have a PD, Hardcore, PvP, Roleplaying server which would have elements that would be appealing to any player though rarely as a full time option but more in conjunction with playing on another server.

  10. #30
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    perma-death server is a great idea, i'd join up. i just wouldn't run the shroud. :P

    the "self-limiting" guilds and play styles that others had mentioned are probably sufficient for people who never spammed their actionboosts while the cooldown bug was still present (ah many manyshot ). but seriously. if there's no way of checking to see how many deaths a character has then we're left trusting people on the internet to be honest.

  11. #31
    Community Member Oakianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benjihad View Post
    perma-death server is a great idea, i'd join up. i just wouldn't run the shroud. :P
    I was just thinking it would be pretty hilarious to see 12 rage posts from people who were booted to the character creation screen after their first shroud. :P

    Akrites: 10 Wiz (TRed Bard), Oakianus: 20 Wiz and Odanta: 20 Monk. All on Khyber, because I love drama.

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