I have a TRed level 15 pally that I havent played much lately due to running other toons. I recently started playing him again and reset his enhancements to get Teir 3 exalted where as before he was stuck on tier 2. I was doing slayers in the desert and noticed my non crit smites where hitting around 78-86 damage and my crits were landing for about 230ish give or take. With a bloodstone, thats obviously only a x3 crit. At teir 3 should be x5 which would be putting my crits around 400ish damage. I had a friend run some stuff and hold it and same results low x3 crits.

Has anybody else noticed this or had this problem? Its a awful lot of AP to spend on an enhancement that isnt working atm. I havent read anything about any known bugs on this and i havent sent a ticket in on it since i dont know if theres a known issue. Havent read anything on the forums about it either.

Let me know if theres known issues please.