out of curiousity, what percentage would a caster level check for a level 1 cleric be for raise dead?
out of curiousity, what percentage would a caster level check for a level 1 cleric be for raise dead?
Halflings Ruleand never irritate anyone that can cast dispell
The check is d20 + (caster level * 2) vs a DC of (caster level required to cast normally * 2).
That becomes d20 + (1 * 2) vs DC of (9 * 2)
Which is d20 + 2 vs DC of 18. Success on a roll of 16, so 5/20 = 25%
So for arguments sake, a Half Elf Barabarian could take the Cleric Dilettante and gain no fail access to healing wands?
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
Of course, WIS and CHA are normally both dump stats on a Barb. And since it has to be taken at level one, 5 build points is a fairly significant cost. And needing to dismiss rage to use the wands... I don't think it's really worth the plat savings over potions.
I'm personally hoping that somewhere in here I can get a bonus to intimidate or two so I can play one of my crazy intimidate builds with the new character models. Otherwise, I guess I'll make another human... (not that there's anything wrong with that)
Hmm... no fail wands is a bigger deal than some of you think for Half-Elf. Especially eternal wands with obnoxious UMD requirements. Roderic's Wand UMD 39 normal and UMD 50 epic anyone? Half-Elf gets to play with wand even if they aren't a caster and have no UMD.
Also gives them free reign to use special class locked items without actually having the class. Can we say potentially using a Holy Avenger on a non-paladin? Maybe having that Mad Lute handy on a non-bard.
Honestly also going to be fun to see Half-Elf bards with Dilettante Wizard/Sorcerer able to use all those eternal wands, repair wands, resist wands, etc. without UMD checks.
Gotta say Eladrin, nice job taking one of the most awesome parts about 4th Edition Half-elves and finding a way to make it work in a 3.5 Edition context (and work very well). No small accomplishment
Now, howsabout some Dragonborn and Tiefling PCs?![]()
If the Wizard/Sorc dilettante works the same as the cleric one there will be some useful self-buffs available for melees without the high UMD needed for most of them. For example Stoneskin wands (vendor), 11th caster-level Resist wands (loot), l0th caster-level Shield, Blur, and Protection from Elements wands (loot).
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
I was hoping for:
Ranger: Bow Strength OR TWF for free (AA or Tempest choice), divine wand use, unlock Jump as "class ability"
Fighter: Martial Weapons, +2 BAB (doesn't stack with Fighter BAB), unlock Intim as "class ability"
Paladin: 5% stacking heal amp, divine wand use
Barbarian: Martial Weapons, 20 hp Barb Toughness, Sprint boost 3x/rest, unlock Intim as "class ability"
Wizard: Extend metamagic, unlock Diplo skill as "class ability", arcane wand use
Sorc: Faster casting OR Firepower+10%, arcane wand use
Bard: Unlock UMD and Diplo skills as "class ability", divine wand use
Rogue: 1d6 sneak attack, Rogue weapon proficiency, Unlock trapskills as "class ability"
Cleric: Unlock Diplo skill as "class ability", Turn Undead 3x/rest (based on CHA so useless unless high CHA already but not locked to Cleric CL1, ranks up with overall Character Level), divine wand use
Monk: Meditation 1x per rest restores all HP and SP, disease and poison resistance increased
FVS: One stacking +10 elemental resist (doesn't stack with FvS feat), Divine Power 3x per rest, divine wand use
Unlock as "class ability" to mean that the character can place one point per level to gain full ranks.
Something like these I'd make a pure Bard/Ranger or Bard/Rogue or Bard/Barb in an instant.
Bard with Ranger dilettante: Bards get Rapier proficiency but a CC Bard can't afford any feats for TWF line. This would enable actual USE from things like Epic Elyd Edge. Damage rapier, potency shortsword, at least eliminate the stupid TWF penalty. Though we'd need Bard rapiers that do more than just silver/good DR bypass.
With these suggestions, Sorc/Wiz would not be quite so feat starved as usual (equivalent of going Human so not overpowered), and soloist Wiz/Sorc would have slightly faster casting or more powerful nuking - giving a slight edge to HalfElf Wizards over other races but the choice of other Dilettante feats would give variety here.
Paladin/Paladin would actually be useful, however most would go for a Dilettante feat that would unlock Intim. I think the one the Devs came up with here for +2 to saves is okay, but not at all useful for classes that don't already have high CHA.
These suggestions are nice but not overly powered and should be equivalent to going Human and gaining any extra feat of your choice. (Since the extra feat of Human is usually spent on Toughness or Extend!)
EDIT: Ok I didn't quite realize how the wand use was supposed to work, that is a bit overpowered then. My bad.![]()
Last edited by Irinis; 09-21-2010 at 09:12 AM.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
I don't think Dilettante: Wizard/Sorcerer/Cleric/FvS will work the same as splashing a single level of said classes. Right now if you splash Wizard on a Fighter you can use any arcane wand as long you meet the minimum level for the wand. If your overall level is 7 you can use Stoneskin wands. Reading the description Eladrin gave for Dilettante: Cleric the feat will only allow you to use level 1 divine wands. So the Wizard dilettante feat would probably do the same, only allow the use of level 1 arcane wands. No Roderic's Wand usage with just the feat as it's level 3.
Eladrin did state that there may be enhancement lines later for the Dilettante feats and these would probably increase the class level for wand usage. I imagine getting the highest enhancement tier of Dilettante: Wizard would allow you to use say, level 11 arcane-based wands as that seems to be the highest level for normal wands.
Unless I'm completely wrong and Eladrin comes back and says the Dilettante feats would work like splashing a caster class for wand usage then that would be awesome but I doubt it.
I almost think these Dilettante feats should be held off until the enhancement lines are completed. You have to either build specifically to meet the stat requirements or use a class that has the required stat as a primary or secondary to even be able to take them. Hard to build for something when you don't know what else you'll be getting later on. Yeah some will say, "just reincarnate" but not everyone is willing to bend over backwards for Turbine because they didn't provide everything when releasing something new.
Oh well, tired and groggy so off to bed.
I would go for faster casting or martial proficiency over this, as powerful as it could be. In Epic, WF self-healing is still far more powerful than ONE full extra rest per rest. You can't meditate if you're dead or being hit. Sure it'd reduce the use of mana pots in many epics... such as ADQ... which should have had extra shrines added anyway. In VON1 you might not have to DDoor back to the shrine. Big deal. Equivalent of a turn-in rest shrine but you don't get your clickies back.
Wait, does meditate restore all your clickies like resting does? I thought it didn't.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.